Variable Descriptions - included in the GWR analysis Dependent Variables: IR1_log - Log transformed covid-19 incidence rates for peak period 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20) IR2_log - Log transformed covid-19 incidence rates for peak period 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20) Predictors: PCT_50to74 - Percent population aged 50 - 74 PCT_over75 - Percent population aged 75 and above DIAB_PCT - Percent population diagnosed with diabetes CARDIO_MR - Heart disease mortality rate – number of deaths per 100,000 of population OBESE_PCT - Percent adult population with diagnosed obesity Geography/Geometry: X - X coordinate of geographic centroid of spatial feature (county) in meters Y - Y coordinate of geographic centroid of spatial feature (county) in meters Projection: USA Contiguous Equidistant Conic Projection Linear Unit: Meters Other Variables - not directly referenced in the code sample or not included in the analysis CTY_FIPS; countyFIPS - County Fips code CountyName - County name State - State abbreviation population - population count by county NEW_DTH_PD1 - number of new death counts from covid-19 during peak period 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20) NEW_DTH_PD2 - number of new death counts from covid-19 during peak period 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20) NEW_CASE_PD1 - number of new case counts from covid-19 during peak period 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20) NEW_CASE_PD2 - number of new case counts from covid-19 during peak period 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20) DR1 - Death-Case ratio for peak period 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20)** DR2 - Death-Case ratio for peak period 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20)** IR1 - Incidence rate for peak period 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20)* IR2 - Incidence rate for peak period 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20)* PCT_0to19 - Percent population aged 0 - 19 PCT_20to34 - Percent population aged 20 - 34 PCT_35to49 - Percent population aged 35 - 49 INTPTLAT - Latitudinal coordinate of geographic centroid of spatial feature in decimal degrees INTPTLON - Longitudinal coordinate of geographic centroid of spatial feature in decimal degrees Shape_Length - perimeter of polygon boundary of spatial feature (county) in meters Shape_Area - areal extent of polygon of spatial feature (county) in square meters Equations: *Incidence Rate = (Number of New Cases during a specified time period / Total County Population) x 100,000 **Death-Case Ratio = (Number of New Deaths during a specified time period / Number of New Cases during that same time period) x 100 Data Sources: American Community Survey 2018 5-year estimates - age cohorts - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) / Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) - diabetes and obesity Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - heart disease mortality - USAFacts - raw case and death counts of covid-19 -