File Path - /work/Data_Files2/ Layer_DR1_1.shp: modified county-level shapefile of contiguous US - contains data for Death-Case Ratio for Peak 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20) and all age cohort and comorbidity variables. Number of observations (counties): 1445 Layer_DR2_1.shp: modified county-level shapefile of contiguous US - contains data for Death-Case Ratio for Peak 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20) and all age cohort and comorbidity variables. Number of observations (counties): 1964 DR1_table.csv: CSV table containing Dependent Variable - Death-Case Ratio for Peak 1 (03/01/20 - 04/30/20) and all age cohort and comorbidity variables. Number of observations (counties): 1445 DR2_table.csv: CSV table containing Dependent Variable - Death-Case Ratio for Peak 2 (06/01/20 - 07/31/20) and all age cohort and comorbidity variables. Number of observations (counties): 1964