Expressive Max-P regionalization

Authors:Yunfan Kang

The expressive-max-p problem involves clustering a set of geographic areas into the maximum number of homogeneous regions that satisfies a set of user defined constraints. Different from the max-p regions (Duque, Anselin, Rey (2012)) problem, EMP formulation supports 5 aggregates: MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, and COUNT. Each aggregate can be paired with a range operator and each query can contain any subset of the five aggregates.

This notebook demonstrate the algorithm proposed in Kang and Magdy (2021) .

The pyneapple library package can be installed using the following command:

In [ ]:
!pip install pyneapple-lib
#!pip install git+
In [1]:
import pyneapple.regionalization.expressive_maxp as emp
import pyneapple.weight.rook as rook
import libpysal 
import time
from libpysal.weights import Queen, Rook, KNN, Kernel, DistanceBand
import numpy as np
import geopandas
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import jpype
from jpype import java
from jpype import javax

To demonstrate max-p-enriched, we combine the census tracts of the Los Angeles City with facts about population and employment status. The plot shows the dataset with the areas colored by its population in 2010.

In [2]:
path = "data/LACity/LACity.shp"
lacity = geopandas.read_file(path)
In [3]:
lacity.plot(column = 'pop2010', figsize = (12, 8), edgecolor = 'w')
<Axes: >
In [4]:
fid OBJECTID TRACTCE10 POP LATPOP_D WHIPOP_D BLAPOP_D AMIPOP_D ASIPOP_D HPIPOP_D ... Tot_Housin Occup_Hous Vac_Housin pop2010 households pop_16up employed unemployed geometry
0 1.0 1 101110 4731 1324 2656 83 24 580 15 ... 1734.0 1641.0 93.0 1400000US06037101110 5017 1693 3954 2512 175 POLYGON ((-118.29420 34.26289, -118.29331 34.2...
1 2.0 2 101122 3664 575 2437 34 18 578 3 ... 1369.0 1325.0 44.0 1400000US06037101122 3663 1304 3042 1932 102 POLYGON ((-118.28996 34.27813, -118.29006 34.2...
2 3.0 3 101210 5990 2219 2890 192 16 625 16 ... 2317.0 2150.0 167.0 1400000US06037101210 6799 2175 5370 3317 307 POLYGON ((-118.29212 34.25071, -118.29219 34.2...
3 4.0 4 101220 3363 1272 1662 45 25 335 6 ... 1317.0 1246.0 71.0 1400000US06037101220 3189 1173 2631 1620 153 POLYGON ((-118.27946 34.24757, -118.27976 34.2...
4 5.0 5 101300 4199 503 3190 47 26 402 10 ... 1582.0 1542.0 40.0 1400000US06037101300 3808 1408 3209 1857 151 POLYGON ((-118.26542 34.25547, -118.26542 34.2...

5 rows × 67 columns

To formulate a expressive max-p problem, a number of parameters need to be specified.

Firstly, a spatial weights object needs to be calculated. The Pineapple package provides a module Pineapple.weight.rook that is supposed to give the same result as the libpysal.weights.Rook but runs faster espicially when the number of areas is large.

In [19]:
w = Rook.from_dataframe(lacity)

Then, we can formulate the query by specifying the constraints and the dissimilarity attribute.

For the first example query, we show how a max-p query by formulating it as an max-p-enriched query. We use the model to aggregate the cencus tracts in Los Angeles city into regions with population >= 200000 and the heterogeneity mesured by the number of households in each area is minimized.

In [6]:
sum_attr = 'pop2010'
sum_low = 200000.0
dis_attr = 'households'

We then pass the parameters to the module Pineapple.regionalization.emp. For the unused constraints, the attribute can be specified as any arbitrary attribute and the range is set to be (-infinity, infinity)

In [8]:
non_attr = 'pop_16up'
inf = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
p, regions = emp.expressive_maxp(lacity, w, dis_attr, non_attr, -inf, inf, non_attr, -inf, inf, non_attr, -inf, inf, sum_attr, sum_low, inf, -inf, inf) 

The number of regions, i.e. the p value, and the region label of each area is returned after the regionalization computation.

In [9]:
In [10]:
array([ 43,  43,  43, ..., 992, 985, 992], dtype=int32)
In [11]:
lacity["regionLabel"] = regions
lacity.plot(column = "regionLabel", cmap="tab20", edgecolor="w", figsize = (12, 8))
<Axes: >

Next, we forlulate a query with multiple constraints: aggregate the cencus tracts in Los Angeles city into regions with population >= 20000, the minimum labor force per area <= 3000, average employed population between 1000 and 4000, and the heterogeneity mesured by the number of households in each area is minimized. Similar to the previous example, we just need to specify the attribute for each constraint and the coresponding range.

In [12]:
min_attr = 'pop_16up'
min_high = 3000.0
avg_attr = 'employed'
avg_low = 1000.0
avg_high = 4000.0
sum_attr = 'pop2010'
sum_low = 20000.0
dis_attr = 'households'
In [15]:
non_attr = 'pop_16up'
inf = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
p, regions = emp.expressive_maxp(lacity, w, dis_attr, min_attr, -inf, min_high, non_attr, -inf, inf, avg_attr, avg_low, avg_high, sum_attr, sum_low, inf, -inf, inf) 
In [16]:
In [17]:
array([ 19,   2,   2, ..., 685, 709, 670], dtype=int32)
In [18]:
lacity["regionLabel"] = regions
lacity.plot(column = "regionLabel", cmap="tab20", edgecolor="w", figsize = (12, 8))
<Axes: >
In [ ]: