Spatial Interpolation

Spatial interpolation is used to predicts values for cells in a raster from a limited number of sample data points around it. We are studying streaming high frequency temperature data in Chicago retrieved from Array of Thing (AoT).

Kriging is a family of estimators used to interpolate spatial data. This family includes ordinary kriging, universal kriging, indicator kriging, co-kriging and others (Taken from Lefohn et al., 2005). The choice of which kriging to use depends on the characteristics of the data and the type of spatial model desired. The most commonly used method is ordinary kriging, which was selected for this study. Reference:

Lefohn, Allen S. ; Knudsen, H. Peter; and Shadwick, Douglas S. 2005. Using Ordinary Kriging to Estimate the Seasonal W126, and N100 24-h Concentrations for the Year 2000 and 2003. A.S.L. & Associates, 111 North Last Chance Gulch Suite 4A Helena , Montana 59601. contractor_2000_2003.pdf


Retrieve the study area of this interactive spatial interpolation jupyter notebook

1) setting the environment, import the library

In [1]:
#!pip install pykrige
import osmnx as ox
%matplotlib inline
ox.config(log_console=True, use_cache=True)
2023-02-07 19:26:38 Configured OSMnx 1.1.2
2023-02-07 19:26:38 HTTP response caching is on

2) we choose the Chicago as study area, download the distrct using osmnx, and save the dataset as shapefile

In [2]:
# create folder to save to
!mkdir -p data/il-chicago/
In [3]:
# from some place name, create a GeoDataFrame containing the geometry of the place
city = ox.geocode_to_gdf('Chicago, IL')
# project to epsg:
# save the retrieved data as a shapefile
2023-02-07 19:26:42 Retrieved response from cache file "cache/c8d6eba1c7c73874d56432572e004525455d5e02.json"
2023-02-07 19:26:42 Created GeoDataFrame with 1 rows from 1 queries
                                            geometry  bbox_north  bbox_south  \
0  POLYGON ((-87.94010 42.00093, -87.94003 41.998...    42.02304   41.644531   

   bbox_east  bbox_west   place_id  osm_type  osm_id        lat        lon  \
0 -87.524081 -87.940101  297993557  relation  122604  41.875562 -87.624421   

                                    display_name     class            type  \
0  Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States  boundary  administrative   

0     0.96153  
/tmp/ipykernel_653/ UserWarning: Column names longer than 10 characters will be truncated when saved to ESRI Shapefile.

3) plot the Chicago city

In [4]:
ax = ox.project_gdf(city).plot(fc='gray', ec='none')
_ = ax.axis('off')
2023-02-07 19:26:42 Projected GeoDataFrame to +proj=utm +zone=16 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs

Spatial Interpolation

The pykrige is a Kriging Toolkit for Python. The code supports 2D and 3D ordinary and universal kriging. Standard variogram models (linear, power, spherical, gaussian, exponential) are built in.

In [5]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging
from pykrige.kriging_tools import write_asc_grid
import pykrige.kriging_tools as kt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.patches import Path, PathPatch

Show the points available in Chicago with accurate data

Read sensor data in the CSV file, including the sensor ID, latitude, longitude and tempreture.

In [6]:
# uncomment to get from CSV
data = pd.read_csv(
     delim_whitespace=False, header=None,
     names=["ID","Lat", "Lon", "Z"])
#data = pd.DataFrame(dd)
ID Lat Lon Z
0 001e0610ba46 41.878377 -87.627678 28.24
1 001e0610ba13 41.751238 -87.712990 19.83
2 001e0610bc10 41.736314 -87.624179 26.17
3 001e0610ba15 41.722457 -87.575350 45.70
4 001e0610bbe5 41.736495 -87.614529 35.07
5 001e0610ee36 41.751295 -87.605288 36.47
6 001e0610ee5d 41.923996 -87.761072 22.45
7 001e06113ad8 41.866786 -87.666306 125.01
8 001e0611441e 41.808594 -87.665048 19.82
9 001e06112e77 41.786756 -87.664343 26.21
10 001e0610f6db 41.791329 -87.598677 22.04
11 001e06113107 41.751142 -87.712990 20.20
12 001e06113ace 41.831070 -87.617298 20.50
13 001e06113a24 41.788979 -87.597995 42.15
14 001e061146cb 41.914094 -87.683022 21.67
15 001e0610f703 41.871480 -87.676440 25.14
16 001e0610e538 41.736593 -87.604759 125.01
17 001e061130f4 41.896157 -87.662391 21.16
18 001e0610ee43 41.788608 -87.598713 19.50
19 001e0610f05c 41.924903 -87.687703 21.61
20 001e0610f732 41.895005 -87.745817 32.03
21 001e06113d20 41.892003 -87.611643 28.30
22 001e06113acb 41.839066 -87.665685 20.11
23 001e061146ba 41.967590 -87.762570 40.60
24 001e0611536c 41.885750 -87.629690 42.80
25 001e061184a3 41.714021 -87.659612 31.46
26 001e06117b44 41.721301 -87.662630 21.35
27 001e061183f5 41.692703 -87.621020 21.99
28 001e061182a7 41.691803 -87.663723 21.62
29 001e06118509 41.779744 -87.654487 20.88
30 001e06118295 41.820972 -87.802435 20.55
31 001e061144be 41.792543 -87.600008 20.41

2) Data processing part, if the tempreture is greater than 45, then set the data be 45

In [7]:
print (zdata)

#If some data are greate than 50, then 
for r in range(len(zdata)):
    if zdata[r]>50:
        zdata[r] = 45

print (zdata)
[ 28.24  19.83  26.17  45.7   35.07  36.47  22.45 125.01  19.82  26.21
  22.04  20.2   20.5   42.15  21.67  25.14 125.01  21.16  19.5   21.61
  32.03  28.3   20.11  40.6   42.8   31.46  21.35  21.99  21.62  20.88
  20.55  20.41]
[28.24 19.83 26.17 45.7  35.07 36.47 22.45 45.   19.82 26.21 22.04 20.2
 20.5  42.15 21.67 25.14 45.   21.16 19.5  21.61 32.03 28.3  20.11 40.6
 42.8  31.46 21.35 21.99 21.62 20.88 20.55 20.41]

Use ordinary kriging to do the spatial interpolation

In order to run spatial interpolation, we should define the boundary for the Chicago. Get the bounday value from the shapefile.

In [8]:
import geopandas as gpd
Chicago_Boundary_Shapefile = './data/il-chicago/il-chicago.shp'
boundary = gpd.read_file(Chicago_Boundary_Shapefile)

# get the boundary of Chicago 
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = boundary.total_bounds

Generate the grids for longitude and lantitude, the number of bins is 100

In this next several lines of codes, we divide the area of Chicago into multiple rasters by longitude and latitude. And the chicago area is divided into 100*100 subarea based on the longitude and latitude.

In [9]:
xmin = xmin-0.01
xmax = xmax+0.01

ymin = ymin-0.01
ymax = ymax+0.01

grid_lon = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
grid_lat = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 100)

Run the OrdinaryKriging method, the variogram_model is gaussian

In spatial statistics the theoretical variogram is a function describing the degree of spatial dependence of a spatial random field or stochastic process.

And Ordinary Kriging is a very popular method for spatial interpolation.

In [10]:
OK = OrdinaryKriging(lons, lats, zdata, variogram_model='gaussian', verbose=True, enable_plotting=False,nlags=20)
z1, ss1 = OK.execute('grid', grid_lon, grid_lat)
print (z1)
Adjusting data for anisotropy...
Initializing variogram model...
Coordinates type: 'euclidean' 

Using 'gaussian' Variogram Model
Partial Sill: 23.13242893160428
Full Sill: 93.76725587990776
Range: 0.3088207463280863
Nugget: 70.63482694830348 

Calculating statistics on variogram model fit...
Executing Ordinary Kriging...

[[27.929638443101354 27.885804006125856 27.84021912563188 ...
  31.38644364519889 31.404556349527393 31.41593882365381]
 [27.905896394653332 27.860683197659462 27.813668957804527 ...
  31.441650487244566 31.46051966566565 31.47249383160844]
 [27.882112198451257 27.83552191637453 27.78708024134736 ...
  31.49439056511361 31.514039234030278 31.526631465474754]
 [29.13076096061418 29.155208398023785 29.18011520863036 ...
  29.049409535752705 29.041974914220763 29.034401781156483]
 [29.135870615300625 29.160612669179365 29.185827371937293 ...
  29.039409278350064 29.031638719865356 29.02377371387196]
 [29.13975310809098 29.16472497061585 29.190180944051036 ...
  29.029451285011827 29.021385208099332 29.013265640589168]]

Plot the spatial interpolation result with ordinary kriging using 'gaussian' variogram model

Generate the result and the legend. The red area are places where temperature is high while the blue area are places where temperature is low.

In [11]:
xintrp, yintrp = np.meshgrid(grid_lon, grid_lat) 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(30,30))

#ax.scatter(lons, lats, s=len(lons), label='Input data')
boundarygeom = boundary.geometry

contour = plt.contourf(xintrp, yintrp, z1,len(z1),,alpha = 0.8) 


boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='white', alpha = 0.2, linewidth=5.5, edgecolor='black', zorder = 5)

npts = len(lons)

plt.scatter(lons, lats,marker='o',c='b',s=npts)


plt.xticks(fontsize = 30, rotation=60)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 30)

plt.title('Spatial interpolation from temperature with gaussian (%d points)' % npts,fontsize = 40)
#ax.plot(grid_lon, grid_lat, label='Predicted values')

Run the OrdinaryKriging method, the variogram_model is gaussian

In [12]:
OK = OrdinaryKriging(lons, lats, zdata, variogram_model='linear', verbose=True, enable_plotting=False,nlags=20)
z2, ss1 = OK.execute('grid', grid_lon, grid_lat)
#print (z2)
Adjusting data for anisotropy...
Initializing variogram model...
Coordinates type: 'euclidean' 

Using 'linear' Variogram Model
Slope: 78.08683338803539
Nugget: 69.86456582115869 

Calculating statistics on variogram model fit...
Executing Ordinary Kriging...

Plot the spatial interpolation result with ordinary kriging using 'linear' variogram model

In this case, we are using ordinary kriging using another variogram model which is linear instead of the gaussian variogram model that was used previously. And you may notice some differences between using these two different models by looking at the following plot.

Generate the result and the legend

In [13]:
xintrp, yintrp = np.meshgrid(grid_lon, grid_lat) 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(30,30))

#ax.scatter(lons, lats, s=len(lons), label='Input data')
boundarygeom = boundary.geometry

contour = plt.contourf(xintrp, yintrp, z2,len(z2),,alpha = 0.8) 


boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='white', alpha = 0.2, linewidth=5.5, edgecolor='black', zorder = 5)

npts = len(lons)

plt.scatter(lons, lats,marker='o',c='b',s=npts)


plt.xticks(fontsize = 30, rotation=60)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 30)

plt.title('Spatial interpolation from temperature with linear function (%d points)' % npts,fontsize = 40)
#ax.plot(grid_lon, grid_lat, label='Predicted values')
In [ ]: