GGIS 407 Project: Renewable Energy Viability

Climate change is one of the greatest threats that humanity will face in the 21st century and beyond. A great deal of effort has been expended to document and forecast exactly how and when the damage will occur, but these analyses do not create climate solutions. A variety of low carbon emissions energy sources exist, such as wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear, and hydropower. All of these will play a role in the coming decades to create a piecemeal solution to replace fossil fuels. However, these energy sources are all bring with them their own constraints:

  • Wind power density varies by region. This directly impacts the profitability and therefore return on investment for wind turbine installations.
  • Yearly average insolation varies by region. This directly drives the the profitability and therefore return on investment on a photovoltaic project.
  • Economic viability varies by region -- areas with high electricity prices create favorable conditions for renewable energy sources to compete with other energy sources in the area.
  • The opportunity cost of space-hungry solar panel installations varies geographically -- for example, the value of a solar array on a plot of land in western Kanasas may outcompete its value as a cattle pasture, but that same solar array would not outcompete the value of suburban development near Kansas City.

There are many other factors to consider that are outside the scope of this project that would make the analysis conducted in this project more accurate. They are listed below:

  • Other green energy technologies, such as nuclear, geothermal, and hydroelectric plants are not considered in this analysis.
  • The cost of grid-scale energy storage as an off-peak energy source (e.g. windless evenings) is not accounted for.
  • The variability of financial risk by region due to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and storms is not accounted for.
  • Varying cost of labor by region is not accounted for.
  • Cost of shipping, and its effect on the overall cost of renewable energy projects, is not accounted for.
  • The economic efficiency of multiple uses of land, such as photovoltaics on roofs, will not be considered. This is based on the assumption that rooftop solar cannot realistically account for a significant fraction of solar energy production.

Data description and sources:

  • Wind
    • Data used will be Wind Gross Capacity Factor (GCF) at 110 meters. GCF is the ratio of actual energy output to theoretical maximum energy output of a given installation. Higher percentages
    • Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Solar
  • Electricity prices by state
    • Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
  • Property values
    • Land value data will be measured in $/ha.
    • Source: Nolte, Christoph (2020), Data for: High-resolution land value maps reveal underestimation of conservation costs in the United States, Dryad, Dataset,

Project goals:

  • Produce a choropleth map with a single, simplified score describing each region's overall renewable energy potential. The resolution of this map will be driven by the resolution of the raster data available. There are multiple ways to calculate such a score, so careful documentation of the process will be necessary.
  • Produce a map that describes which form of renewable energy would be most profitable for each region of the US under the assumptions of this project.
  • Generate a high level overview of the notable observations from the above two maps.

Preliminary Map Generation

In [81]:
%matplotlib inline
import geopandas
import pandas
import os
import matplotlib
import shapely
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show
import random

Land Value Data Across the Conterminous United States

In [ ]:
# file = 'USA_power-density_100m.geojson' # this file is just the outline of the us, no wind power data.
# os.path.exists(file)
# open(file)
# data = geopandas.read_file(file)
# data
In [ ]:
# ax = data.plot(figsize=(20, 20), color='white', edgecolor='black', legend=True)
# type(ax)
In [2]:
# the source of this land value data is Nolte, Christoph (2020), Data for: High-resolution land value maps reveal underestimation of conservation costs in the United States, Dryad, Dataset,
land_value ='land_values_epsg4326.tif')
# upperLeft = dataset.transform * (0, 0)
# lowerRight = dataset.transform * (dataset.width, dataset.height)
# lowerRight
In [5]:
print("the raster has " + str(land_value.height * land_value.width) + " values")
# dataset.bounds
the raster has 66260144 values
In [3]:
band1 =
array([[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)
In [5]:
# regular indexing allows me to access land values from any cell
band1[land_value.height // 4, land_value.width // 10 * 9]
In [37]:
# spatial indexing -- lat and long in gives me regular indices out
# x, y = (land_value.bounds.left + 10, - 5)
# row, col = land_value.index(x, y)
# band1[row, col]
In [5]:
# get spatial coordinates of a pixel as (x, y) coords:
lonlat = land_value.xy(land_value.height, land_value.width)
(-65.32360922558433, 22.857174425967067)
In [41]:
show(land_value, cmap='rainbow')
In [42]:
show(band1, cmap='rainbow')
In [44]:
# the following code was used to reproject raster data from epsg 5070 to 4326
# import rioxarray
# rds = rioxarray.open_rasterio('places_fmv_all.tif')
# rds_4326 ="EPSG:4326")
In [14]:
# Next, we convert the land value data into a geodataframe so it can be compared / analyzed with the other datasets.
#     this is a very lengthy process due to the size of the data file, so a counter variable was used to track signal progress once every million records.
landDict = {'land_value':[], 'geometry':[]}
counter = 0
for y in range(land_value.height):
    for x in range(land_value.width):
        lv = band1[y, x] # get the land value at that location
        # there is far too much data, so we extract 1% of it:
        if random.randint(0,99) == 0 and lv != 0: # only add to the table if land value isn't zero, since null values default to zero for this dataset
            landDict['land_value'].append(lv) # add it to the dictionary
            lonlat = land_value.xy(y, x) # what is generated is a 2 item tuple in this order: lon, then lat
            # landDict['latitude'].append(lonlat[1])
            # landDict['longitude'].append(lonlat[0])
        counter += 1
        if counter % 1000000 == 0:
            print(counter) # visualize how far along it has come
In [15]:
landValueGdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(landDict, crs="EPSG:4326")
In [12]:
landValueGdf # seen below, the gdf of land values has been created successfully.
land_value geometry
0 9.005161 POINT (-94.93061 49.29033)
1 8.016808 POINT (-94.98794 49.26427)
2 7.363946 POINT (-96.56705 49.00369)
3 8.578009 POINT (-120.12862 48.99848)
4 7.715559 POINT (-106.20848 48.99848)
... ... ...
29723 8.782399 POINT (-80.49974 25.25971)
29724 10.099209 POINT (-81.01569 25.22844)
29725 8.782522 POINT (-80.64566 25.22844)
29726 10.231956 POINT (-80.85413 25.20760)
29727 9.821819 POINT (-81.45867 24.78025)

29728 rows × 2 columns

In [79]:
# Plotting the land value gdf shows that we have sufficient data density for analysis with the other datasets.
landValueGdf.plot(figsize=(20, 20), column='land_value', cmap='rainbow')
In [86]:
# to avoid having to regenerate the map above each day, this line can be used to pull it from file.
landValueGdf = geopandas.read_file('land_values_trimmed/land_values_trimmed.shp')

Insolation Across the Conterminous United States (Global Horizontal Irradiance)

In [121]:
pv_data_path = 'pv_open_2020.csv' # data source:
gdf = geopandas.read_file(pv_data_path, crs='EPSG:4326')
sc_gid capacity_factor global_horizontal_irradiance capacity_mw area_sq_km latitude longitude distance_to_transmission_km geometry
0 0 0.139176667 3.354820967 591.4528875 18.48290273 48.994 -122.735 0.673353738 None
1 1 0.137450948 3.306945562 596.6472656 18.64522705 49.022 -122.575 6.875389424 None
2 2 0.136000022 3.292999983 2.8512 0.0891 49.049 -122.414 7.901461097 None
3 3 0.141827255 3.417381763 2014.383178 62.94947432 48.9 -122.688 2.910129499 None
4 4 0.13782908 3.327923536 3557.400778 111.1687743 48.927 -122.529 102.9264234 None
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
55514 55530 0.206913486 5.196184158 965.52 30.1725 25.982 -97.349 22.58646381 None
55515 55531 0.205764785 5.174337864 238.6791404 7.458723138 25.983 -97.231 9.37474049 None
55516 55532 0.207999989 5.20800066 25.09315137 0.78416098 25.877 -97.583 4.844145594 None
55517 55533 0.207652241 5.20336771 330.0912 10.31535 25.879 -97.465 5.204726337 None
55518 55534 0.208622813 5.229780674 792.0788766 24.75246489 25.88 -97.347 11.19322723 None

55519 rows × 9 columns

In [122]:
# by default, the downloaded csv does not contain geometry values. The code below generates that from the latitude and longitude columns.
for record in gdf.index:
    lat = float(gdf.loc[record, 'latitude'])
    lon = float(gdf.loc[record, 'longitude'])
    gdf.loc[record, 'geometry'] = shapely.geometry.Point(lon, lat)
In [123]:
# save to shapefile so above calculation does not have to be performed repeatedly
# saving to shapefile truncates column names to 10 characters
/tmp/ipykernel_747/ UserWarning: Column names longer than 10 characters will be truncated when saved to ESRI Shapefile.
In [126]:
gdf = geopandas.read_file('USA_GHI/USA_GHI.shp', crs='EPSG:4326')
In [8]:
# Plotting the insolation data reveals that the geometries were successfully generated from the longitude and latitude strings.
ax = gdf.plot(figsize=(20, 20), column='global_hor', cmap='rainbow')

Wind Gross Capacity Factor at 110m Hub Height

In [51]:
# data source:
#      I unzipped this folder to access 110m hub height near future, which is a mostly complete map of the US.
wind_table = geopandas.read_file('110m_near_future/110_Meter_Hub_Height_Near_Future_Technology_.shp')
In [52]:
0 48.3631 -119.3485 Washington West 30.57 20.44 10.60 420.252008 POLYGON ((-119.25220 48.47656, -119.17886 48.3...
1 47.9232 -121.4517 Washington West 0.03 0.03 0.03 733.111571 POLYGON ((-121.40695 47.83655, -121.53621 47.8...
2 47.4343 -123.5047 Washington West 4.52 3.98 2.95 632.391386 POLYGON ((-123.33263 47.38107, -123.58215 47.3...
3 48.8966 -123.1409 Washington West 13.13 12.92 0.00 9.936960 POLYGON ((-123.04761 49.00212, -123.03339 48.9...
4 47.6232 -122.7409 Washington West 57.65 28.25 5.57 326.908299 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.65686 47.73984, -122.6564...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
21543 26.2027 -98.4593 Texas Plains 0.82 0.82 0.82 138.727128 POLYGON ((-98.36839 26.27217, -98.37836 26.157...
21544 26.0266 -98.1363 Texas Plains 21.43 21.43 21.43 85.527186 POLYGON ((-98.04535 26.09543, -98.05005 26.044...
21545 26.3660 -98.6151 Texas Plains 149.61 149.61 149.61 285.757154 POLYGON ((-98.52418 26.43588, -98.53677 26.284...
21546 26.3774 -98.7845 Texas Plains 84.53 84.53 84.53 218.068266 POLYGON ((-98.69370 26.44751, -98.70585 26.296...
21547 26.2144 -98.6281 Texas Plains 3.01 3.01 3.01 78.506192 POLYGON ((-98.53747 26.28412, -98.54130 26.237...

21548 rows × 9 columns

In [53]:
wind_table.plot(column='AREA WI_02', figsize=(20,20))
In [54]:
# convert polygons into points for later combination with other data. This is necessary because later we will be combining
#     point data all together into one raster, and it is easier to do that with the wind data if it is in Point form rather than Polygon form.
wind_table['geometry'] = wind_table['geometry'].centroid
/tmp/ipykernel_827/ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  wind_table['geometry'] = wind_table['geometry'].centroid # convert polygons into points for later combination with other data
In [55]:
wind_table.plot(column='AREA WI_02', figsize=(20,20)) # make sure centroid calculation worked
In [56]:
# because saving to file truncates file names, I am renaming the column titles to include the part that was truncated.
#     "GCF" stands for "gross capacity factor" which is a measure of actual electrical energy output over a given period of time compared to the theoretical maximum electrical energy output over that period.
wind_table.rename(columns={'AREA WITH ':'GCF > 30', 'AREA WI_01':'GCF > 35', 'AREA WI_02':'GCF > 40'}, inplace=True)
wind_table = wind_table[['GCF > 30', 'GCF > 35', 'GCF > 40', 'geometry']]

Electricity Prices by State

In [60]:
# pull out the electricity prices file and add it to a geodataframe
# data source:
# data was found under sales, Average retail price of electricity to ultimate customers, Annual retail price, By state and utility, All sectors, file name: Electricity prices by state
elec = geopandas.read_file('Electricity prices by state.csv')

# next, we find the average electricity prices for each state.
elec['Sales (Megawatthours)'] = elec['Sales (Megawatthours)'].str.replace(",", "") # replace the commas in the numbers so they can be converted to ints
elec['Revenues (Thousands Dollars)'] = elec['Revenues (Thousands Dollars)'].str.replace(",", "") # replace the commas in the numbers so they can be converted to ints

elec['Sales (Megawatthours)'] = pandas.to_numeric(elec['Sales (Megawatthours)']) # convert strings to ints
elec['Revenues (Thousands Dollars)'] = pandas.to_numeric(elec['Revenues (Thousands Dollars)']) # convert strings to ints

elec = elec[['State', 'Sales (Megawatthours)', 'Revenues (Thousands Dollars)', 'geometry']] # trim away the unneeded columns
elec = elec.dissolve(by='State', aggfunc='sum') # consolidate rows 

elec['Avg price ($/kwh)'] = elec['Revenues (Thousands Dollars)'] / elec['Sales (Megawatthours)']
elec # display to make sure we have the desired output
geometry Sales (Megawatthours) Revenues (Thousands Dollars) Avg price ($/kwh)
AK None 5969339 1195131.9 0.200212
AL None 85567957 8711742.6 0.101811
AR None 48628044 4428014.4 0.091059
AZ None 81133233 8702605.4 0.107263
CA None 170506603 32843481.1 0.192623
CO None 56170647 6126161.0 0.109063
CT None 14629759 2889136.3 0.197484
DC None 3056792 386969.2 0.126593
DE None 7375890 866762.8 0.117513
FL None 241553295 25762842.4 0.106655
GA None 137351913 14332158.0 0.104346
HI None 8884042 2700875.9 0.304014
IA None 52804082 4822268.6 0.091324
ID None 25285616 2065218.1 0.081676
IL None 51969512 6279084.8 0.120822
IN None 99735795 10331088.2 0.103585
KS None 40489279 4241251.4 0.104750
KY None 74388446 6789899.9 0.091276
LA None 90819346 8007772.7 0.088173
MA None 17784051 3322073.8 0.186801
MD None 30771800 3845948.6 0.124983
ME None 6424326 1009951.7 0.157207
MI None 90795892 12261981.1 0.135050
MN None 65778780 7330078.1 0.111435
MO None 77763041 7660799.3 0.098515
MS None 48015364 4563056.1 0.095033
MT None 12115692 1275869.6 0.105307
NC None 135541549 12602282.0 0.092977
ND None 22863107 1977346.3 0.086486
NE None 32336908 2857699.2 0.088373
NH None 5772903 1063834.6 0.184281
NJ None 41750952 6239398.9 0.149443
NM None 25377635 2485545.3 0.097942
NV None 34233038 3083107.8 0.090062
NY None 74746349 13757448.8 0.184055
OH None 43611635 5155996.3 0.118225
OK None 64525137 5495412.2 0.085167
OR None 51186607 4652962.7 0.090902
PA None 53960126 6670553.2 0.123620
RI None 4094803 809824.4 0.197769
SC None 79792136 7947387.0 0.099601
SD None 13041391 1360062.5 0.104288
TN None 99569394 9734693.1 0.097768
TX None 427986204 39392544.7 0.092042
UT None 32675058 2726269.9 0.083436
VA None 117126934 10895878.2 0.093026
VT None 5406958 883743.5 0.163446
WA None 85952424 7571513.3 0.088090
WI None 69426615 7645276.8 0.110120
WV None 32777988 2907283.2 0.088696
WY None 15784712 1301688.4 0.082465
In [61]:
# In this cell, the state boundary geometry is pulled from file and pared down to the contiguous 48 states.
state_boundaries = geopandas.read_file('states_boundaries/cb_2018_us_state_500k.shp')
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'Alaska']
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'Puerto Rico']
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'Hawaii']
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'American Samoa']
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'United States Virgin Islands']
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands']
state_boundaries = state_boundaries[state_boundaries['NAME'] != 'Guam']

# state_boundaries.plot(figsize=(20,20)) # check to make sure it looks good

state_boundaries = state_boundaries[['STUSPS', 'geometry']]
state_boundaries.rename(columns={'STUSPS': 'State'}, inplace=True) # make title more readable
state_boundaries # review the data
State geometry
0 MS MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.50297 30.21523, -88.49176 ...
1 NC MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.72681 35.93584, -75.71827 ...
2 OK POLYGON ((-103.00257 36.52659, -103.00219 36.6...
3 VA MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.74241 37.80835, -75.74151 ...
4 WV POLYGON ((-82.64320 38.16909, -82.64300 38.169...
5 LA MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.86770 29.86155, -88.86566 ...
6 MI MULTIPOLYGON (((-83.19159 42.03537, -83.18993 ...
7 MA MULTIPOLYGON (((-70.23405 41.28565, -70.22361 ...
8 ID POLYGON ((-117.24267 44.39655, -117.23484 44.3...
9 FL MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.17628 25.52505, -80.17395 ...
10 NE POLYGON ((-104.05342 41.17054, -104.05324 41.1...
11 WA MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.57039 48.53785, -122.5686...
12 NM POLYGON ((-109.05017 31.48000, -109.04984 31.4...
14 SD POLYGON ((-104.05788 44.99761, -104.05078 44.9...
15 TX MULTIPOLYGON (((-94.71830 29.72885, -94.71721 ...
16 CA MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.60442 33.47855, -118.5987...
17 AL MULTIPOLYGON (((-88.05338 30.50699, -88.05109 ...
18 GA MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.27939 31.30792, -81.27716 ...
19 PA POLYGON ((-80.51989 40.90666, -80.51909 40.921...
20 MO POLYGON ((-95.77355 40.57820, -95.76853 40.583...
21 CO POLYGON ((-109.06025 38.59933, -109.05954 38.7...
22 UT POLYGON ((-114.05296 37.59278, -114.05247 37.6...
23 TN POLYGON ((-90.31030 35.00429, -90.30988 35.009...
24 WY POLYGON ((-111.05456 45.00095, -111.04507 45.0...
25 NY MULTIPOLYGON (((-72.03683 41.24984, -72.03496 ...
26 KS POLYGON ((-102.05174 40.00308, -101.91670 40.0...
28 NV POLYGON ((-120.00574 39.22866, -120.00559 39.2...
29 IL POLYGON ((-91.51297 40.18106, -91.51107 40.188...
30 VT POLYGON ((-73.43774 44.04501, -73.43199 44.063...
31 MT POLYGON ((-116.04914 48.50205, -116.04913 48.5...
32 IA POLYGON ((-96.63970 42.73707, -96.63589 42.741...
33 SC MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.50795 33.02008, -79.50713 ...
34 NH MULTIPOLYGON (((-70.61702 42.97718, -70.61529 ...
35 AZ POLYGON ((-114.81629 32.50804, -114.81432 32.5...
36 DC POLYGON ((-77.11976 38.93434, -77.11253 38.940...
39 NJ POLYGON ((-75.55910 39.62906, -75.55945 39.629...
40 MD MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.05015 37.98691, -76.04998 ...
41 ME MULTIPOLYGON (((-67.35580 44.64226, -67.35437 ...
43 DE MULTIPOLYGON (((-75.56555 39.51485, -75.56174 ...
46 RI MULTIPOLYGON (((-71.28802 41.64558, -71.28647 ...
47 KY MULTIPOLYGON (((-89.40565 36.52817, -89.39869 ...
48 OH MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.73571 41.60336, -82.73392 ...
49 WI MULTIPOLYGON (((-86.95617 45.35549, -86.95463 ...
50 OR MULTIPOLYGON (((-123.59892 46.25145, -123.5984...
51 ND POLYGON ((-104.04868 48.86378, -104.04865 48.8...
52 AR POLYGON ((-94.61783 36.49941, -94.61765 36.499...
53 IN POLYGON ((-88.09776 37.90403, -88.09448 37.905...
54 MN MULTIPOLYGON (((-89.59206 47.96668, -89.59147 ...
55 CT MULTIPOLYGON (((-72.76143 41.24233, -72.75973 ...
In [96]:
state_boundaries.plot(figsize=(20, 20), color='white', edgecolor='black') # check to make sure the state boundaries look good
In [69]:
# Now, we attach the state geometries to the electricity prices table. This is the beginning of the process to consolidate ALL of the project data
#       into one geodataframe.
elec_and_geo = elec.merge(state_boundaries, on='State', how='inner')
elec_and_geo.rename(columns={'geometry_y': 'geometry'}, inplace=True)
elec_and_geo = elec_and_geo[['State', 'Sales (Megawatthours)', 'Revenues (Thousands Dollars)', 'Avg price ($/kwh)', 'geometry']]
elecGdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(elec_and_geo)
elecGdf.to_crs("EPSG:4326", inplace=True)
#type(elec_and_geo.loc[1, 'geometry'])

Compile the data in one table for analysis

In [75]:
# Below, I am manually creating a raster of rectangles across the contiguous United States. The points from each dataset will be tested to
#      see which pixel they intersect with, then will be added to that row (and averaged if necessary). This process should allow for the data
#      to be compared to one another without it mattering how densely distributed they are -- a pixel can have 1 solar data point, for example, and 
#      it can also have 30 land value data points as well -- because the land_value data points can all be averaged to give one land value datum
#      for that pixel. Then that single solar value and single land price value can be analyzed together.
min_x = -127
max_x = -65
min_y = 23
max_y = 50

numRastersPerDegree = 8 # resolution of the grid is 8 pixels per degree, 64 pixels per square degree.

shapes = {'geometry':[]}
for x in range(min_x * numRastersPerDegree, max_x * numRastersPerDegree): # step along horizontally by 0.25 degree increments
    lon = x/numRastersPerDegree
    for y in range(min_y * numRastersPerDegree, max_y * numRastersPerDegree):
        lat = y/numRastersPerDegree
        # Define the vertices of the polygon in counterclockwise order
        vertices = [(lon, lat), (lon+0.5, lat), (lon+0.5, lat+0.5), (lon, lat+0.5)]
        polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon(vertices)
manual_raster = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(shapes, crs="EPSG:4326")
manual_raster.plot(figsize=(20,20), color = 'white', edgecolor='black') # check to make sure raster was generated properly
In [76]:
# perform a spatial join to get the points contained by the same raster polygon to
#     be ready to be averaged together.
landValueGdf = geopandas.read_file('land_values_trimmed/land_values_trimmed.shp')
 # add land values to the raster grid I created based on where the points are contained by the raster polygons.
compiledData1 = manual_raster.sjoin(landValueGdf, how='inner', predicate='contains')
compiledData1 = compiledData1[['geometry', 'land_value']]
compiledData1 # make sure it looks ok. There are far too many rows, which is fixed in the next cell.
geometry land_value
3436 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.50000, -124.62500 47.5... 9.962386
3437 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.62500, -124.62500 47.6... 9.962386
3438 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.75000, -124.62500 47.7... 9.962386
3439 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.87500, -124.62500 47.8... 9.962386
3652 POLYGON ((-125.00000 47.50000, -124.50000 47.5... 9.962386
... ... ...
103638 POLYGON ((-67.12500 44.75000, -66.62500 44.750... 10.044805
103851 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.37500, -66.50000 44.375... 10.044805
103852 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.50000, -66.50000 44.500... 10.044805
103853 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.62500, -66.50000 44.625... 10.044805
103854 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.75000, -66.50000 44.750... 10.044805

4792160 rows × 2 columns

In [77]:
compiledData1 = compiledData1.dissolve(by=compiledData1.index, aggfunc='mean') # consolidate rows -- many polygons were duplicated.
# Importantly, the aggfunc was 'mean' so that the land values in the same polygon all contribute to that pixel's final value.
In [78]:
compiledData1 # the number of rows has decreased back to its proper size
geometry land_value
3436 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.50000, -125.12500 48.0... 9.541891
3437 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.62500, -125.12500 48.1... 9.393612
3438 POLYGON ((-124.62500 48.25000, -124.62500 47.7... 9.154871
3439 POLYGON ((-124.62500 48.37500, -124.62500 47.8... 9.177755
3440 POLYGON ((-124.62500 48.50000, -124.62500 48.0... 9.073716
... ... ...
103640 POLYGON ((-67.12500 45.00000, -66.62500 45.000... 9.332131
103851 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.37500, -67.00000 44.875... 9.547007
103852 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.50000, -67.00000 45.000... 9.547007
103853 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.62500, -67.00000 45.125... 9.547007
103854 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.75000, -67.00000 45.250... 9.547007

56362 rows × 2 columns

In [79]:
# plotting the geodataframe shows that so far, we have successfully mapped point data from the land values table
#     onto the empty raster grid I created.
compiledData1.plot(figsize=(20, 20), column='land_value', cmap='rainbow')
In [80]:
In [82]:
# Next, we will add global horizontal irradiance to the table. This process is similar to the steps needed for land value data.

solarGdf = geopandas.read_file('USA_GHI/USA_GHI.shp') # get from file
solarGdf.rename(columns={'global_hor': 'GHI'}, inplace=True)
solarGdf = solarGdf[['GHI', 'geometry']] # exclude unneeded columns
solarGdf['GHI'] = pandas.to_numeric(solarGdf['GHI']) # convert strings to ints

compiledData1 = geopandas.read_file('compiledData1/compiledData1.shp')

# perform a spatial join to get the points contained by the raster polygons
compiledData2 = compiledData1.sjoin(solarGdf, how='left', predicate='contains')
compiledData2 = compiledData2[['geometry', 'land_value', 'GHI']] # remove unneeded rows
compiledData2 = compiledData2.dissolve(by=compiledData2.index, aggfunc='mean') # consolidate rows with the same geometry
compiledData2 # make sure the data looks ok.
/cvmfs/ UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: EPSG:4326
Right CRS: None

  return geopandas.sjoin(left_df=self, right_df=df, *args, **kwargs)
geometry land_value GHI
0 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.50000, -125.12500 48.0... 9.541891 NaN
1 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.62500, -125.12500 48.1... 9.393612 3.148024
2 POLYGON ((-124.62500 47.75000, -125.12500 47.7... 9.154871 3.158121
3 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.87500, -125.12500 48.3... 9.177755 3.160838
4 POLYGON ((-125.12500 48.00000, -125.12500 48.5... 9.073716 3.163271
... ... ... ...
56357 POLYGON ((-67.12500 45.00000, -67.12500 45.500... 9.332131 3.752100
56358 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.37500, -67.00000 44.875... 9.547007 3.727710
56359 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.50000, -67.00000 45.000... 9.547007 3.727710
56360 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.62500, -67.00000 45.125... 9.547007 3.727710
56361 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.75000, -67.00000 45.250... 9.547007 3.727710

56362 rows × 3 columns

In [83]:
# plotting the geodataframe shows that we have successfully mapped point data from the solar table
#     onto the empty raster grid I created.
compiledData2.plot(figsize=(20, 20), column='GHI', cmap='rainbow')
In [84]:
In [85]:
# Next, we do the same thing for wind.

windGdf = geopandas.read_file('wind_data_processed/wind_data_processed.shp') # get from file
#solarGdf['GHI'] = pandas.to_numeric(solarGdf['GHI']) # convert strings to ints

compiledData2 = geopandas.read_file('compiledData2/compiledData2.shp')

# perform a spatial join to get the points contained by my the same anual raster polygons to
#     be ready to be averaged together.
compiledData3 = compiledData2.sjoin(windGdf, how='left', predicate='contains')
compiledData3 = compiledData3[['geometry', 'land_value', 'GHI', 'GCF > 30', 'GCF > 35', 'GCF > 40']]
compiledData3 = compiledData3.dissolve(by=compiledData3.index, aggfunc='mean') # consolidate rows with the same geometry
geometry land_value GHI GCF > 30 GCF > 35 GCF > 40
0 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.50000, -125.12500 48.0... 9.541891 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.62500, -125.12500 48.1... 9.393612 3.148024 2.54 2.54 1.360
2 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.75000, -125.12500 48.2... 9.154871 3.158121 1.55 1.55 0.775
3 POLYGON ((-125.12500 48.37500, -124.62500 48.3... 9.177755 3.160838 1.55 1.55 0.775
4 POLYGON ((-125.12500 48.50000, -124.62500 48.5... 9.073716 3.163271 1.55 1.55 0.775
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
56357 POLYGON ((-67.12500 45.00000, -67.12500 45.500... 9.332131 3.752100 NaN NaN NaN
56358 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.37500, -67.00000 44.875... 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN
56359 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.50000, -67.00000 45.000... 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN
56360 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.62500, -67.00000 45.125... 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN
56361 POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.75000, -67.00000 45.250... 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN

56362 rows × 6 columns

In [86]:
compiledData3.plot(column='GCF > 30', figsize=(20, 20)) # wind data has been successfully transferred to compiled data gdf.
In [87]:
In [91]:
# Next, we add in electricity prices by state, performing a spatial join to map electricity prices onto pixels.
compiledData3 = geopandas.read_file('compiledData3/compiledData3.shp')
compiledData4 = elecGdf.sjoin(compiledData3, how='right', predicate='intersects')
compiledData4.rename(columns={'Sales (Megawatthours)': 'Sales (mwh)', 'Revenues (Thousands Dollars)': 'Revenue k$', 'Avg price ($/kwh)':'Price$/kwh'}, inplace=True)
compiledData4.dissolve(by=compiledData4.index, aggfunc='mean')
index_left State Sales (mwh) Revenue k$ Price$/kwh land_value GHI GCF > 30 GCF > 35 GCF > 40 geometry
0 45.0 WA 85952424.0 7571513.3 0.088090 9.541891 NaN NaN NaN NaN POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.50000, -125.12500 48.0...
1 45.0 WA 85952424.0 7571513.3 0.088090 9.393612 3.148024 2.54 2.54 1.360 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.62500, -125.12500 48.1...
2 45.0 WA 85952424.0 7571513.3 0.088090 9.154871 3.158121 1.55 1.55 0.775 POLYGON ((-125.12500 47.75000, -125.12500 48.2...
3 45.0 WA 85952424.0 7571513.3 0.088090 9.177755 3.160838 1.55 1.55 0.775 POLYGON ((-125.12500 48.37500, -124.62500 48.3...
4 45.0 WA 85952424.0 7571513.3 0.088090 9.073716 3.163271 1.55 1.55 0.775 POLYGON ((-125.12500 48.50000, -124.62500 48.5...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
56357 19.0 ME 6424326.0 1009951.7 0.157207 9.332131 3.752100 NaN NaN NaN POLYGON ((-67.12500 45.00000, -67.12500 45.500...
56358 19.0 ME 6424326.0 1009951.7 0.157207 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.37500, -67.00000 44.875...
56359 19.0 ME 6424326.0 1009951.7 0.157207 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.50000, -67.00000 45.000...
56360 19.0 ME 6424326.0 1009951.7 0.157207 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.62500, -67.00000 45.125...
56361 19.0 ME 6424326.0 1009951.7 0.157207 9.547007 3.727710 NaN NaN NaN POLYGON ((-67.00000 44.75000, -67.00000 45.250...

70103 rows × 11 columns

In [125]:
compiledData4.plot(figsize=(20,8), cmap='rainbow', column='Price$/kwh', vmin=0, legend=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.title('Electricity Prices by State') # plotting data shows that electricity prices have now been added to the compiled data gdf.
In [94]:
# Now we pare down the columns to only include the ones that are relevant for analysis.
compiledData5 = compiledData4[['State', 'Price$/kwh', 'land_value', 'GHI', 'GCF > 30', 'GCF > 35', 'GCF > 40', 'geometry']]

Perform analysis by calculating additional metrics

In [108]:
# Pull data from file
compiledData5 = geopandas.read_file('compiledData5/compiledData5.shp')

# Finally, we can perform analysis! The first metric we will calculate is solar energy viability by location.
#     Each raster has global horizontal irradiance, land value, and electricity prices associated with it.
#     High GHI and high electricity prices are good for solar, while high land prices are bad. Hence the following math:
compiledData5['Solar!'] = compiledData5['GHI'] * compiledData5['Price$/kwh'] / compiledData5['land_value']

# We can also calculate a wind viability metric. Since wind requires so much less land than solar, land values
#     are discounted and the only components of the analysis are capacity factor and electricity prices.
compiledData5['Wind!'] = compiledData5['GCF > 30'] * compiledData5['Price$/kwh']

# Finally, we can generate a column that combines these metrics. This column takes into account electricity
#     prices, wind capacity factor, insolation, and land value all in the same metric.
compiledData5['Combined!'] = compiledData5['GHI'] * compiledData5['Price$/kwh'] * compiledData5['GCF > 30'] / compiledData5['land_value']
In [123]:
# A quick overview of the data table:
#     Price$/kwh describes electricity prices for each pixel on the grid, under the assumption that prices are uniform across states. units: $/kwh
#     land_value describes the average value of land for each pixel on the grid. Unit: ln($/ha)
#     GHI describes Global horizontal index, a measure of intensity of radiation hitting the ground
#     GCF describes gross capacity factor, a ratio of the amount of power produced by wind to the amount of power theoretically possible for 110m turbines.
#     Solar! describes my calculated measure of solar viability for each pixel. Its calculation is described in the cell above.
#     Wind! describes my calculated measure of wind viability for each pixel. Its calculation is described in the cell above.
#     Combined! describes my calculated measure of the combined solar and wind viability for each pixel. Its calculation is described in the cell above.
Price$/kwh land_value GHI GCF > 30 GCF > 35 GCF > 40 Solar! Wind! Combined!
count 70102.000000 70103.000000 68988.000000 69065.000000 69065.000000 69065.000000 68987.000000 69065.000000 68342.000000
mean 0.107499 8.785540 4.560724 210.214590 190.804506 165.343428 0.056408 21.753263 11.666250
std 0.028651 1.118322 0.603958 120.009110 128.958107 139.612741 0.018467 12.664006 6.955625
min 0.081676 5.723633 3.066825 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.022608 0.000000 0.000000
25% 0.090902 8.103961 4.058840 102.938571 60.628333 18.647143 0.046202 10.879436 5.839724
50% 0.098515 8.711206 4.520310 236.492000 206.145000 149.725000 0.051739 24.012724 12.487782
75% 0.109063 9.328278 4.951688 308.443333 305.378571 301.728000 0.061154 30.730284 16.407792
max 0.197769 14.703334 6.081697 420.296667 420.296667 420.296667 0.187337 71.454188 46.280591
In [ ]:

Data Visualization

In [117]:
compiledData5 = geopandas.read_file('compiledData5/compiledData5.shp')

The plot below demonstrates the outsized influence that electricity prices have on the viability of solar. California is a clear winner.

In [126]:
compiledData5.plot(figsize=(20, 8), cmap='plasma', column='Solar!', vmin=0, legend=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.title('Renewable Energy Viability for Solar Only')

The map below demonstrates that the middle of the country is uniformly good for wind projects, while certain hotspots stand out in the northeast in New York and Maine.

In [127]:
compiledData5.plot(figsize=(20, 8), cmap='inferno', column='Wind!', vmin=0, legend=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.title('Renewable Energy Viability for Wind Only')

Below, we see the map incorporating all the data -- wind gross capacity factor, insolation, electricity prices, and land values. The corridor just east of the Rocky mountains is well positioned for both wind and solar, particularly eastern Colorado. Southern California has a positive outlook, and New York and Main do as well. Certain areas will be very reliant on imported electricity in the future, such as the Pacific Northwest, much of the Rocky Mountains, and the Appalachian Mountains.

In [128]:
compiledData5.plot(figsize=(20, 8), cmap='viridis', column='Combined!', vmin=0, legend=True)
matplotlib.pyplot.title('Renewable Energy Viability for Solar and Wind')
In [ ]: