Getting Started with CyberGISX

Prepared for AAG 2023 Workshop by Jinwoo Park

General information about Jupyter Notebook/Lab

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Exercise (3 minutes)

Task 1: Add one new code cell after this cell.
Hint: Single click on a cell --> click plus icon (+) above.

Task 2: Change the new cell's type to Markdown, and write something in it.
Hint: Click the dropdown list above; Single click on the new cell ---> write some Markdowns see basic syntax reference; Click on the "Run" button on the tool bar.

Task 3: Uncomment the Python codes in the cell below and run it.
Hint: Single click on the cell below --> Remove the Pound sign ('#') OR
         Press Shift + Enter keys together (or click on the 'Run" button on the tool bar)

Task 4: clean all output of this notebook.
Hint: Go to Menu --> Edit --> Clear All Outputs

In [ ]:
# Task 2: Chage this cell to Markdown
In [ ]:
Task 3: Uncomment the code below. 
# print("Hello World")

1. Python Basics: Data Type

Python Data Type

Python has a handful of data types to store data effectively and efficiently. The followings are the data type we will cover in this course.

  • String: str()
    • 'Hello world'
  • Integer: int()
    • 1, 2, 3...
  • Floating-point number: float()
    • 3.141592...
  • Boolean: bool()
    • True or False

The following is a quick example of how you assign variables in Python.
Note that we did not need to declare variable types. We could just assign anything to a variable and it works. This is the power of an interpreted (as opposed to compiled) language.

In [1]:
s = 'Hello world' # String
i = 1 # Integer
f = 3.141592 # Floating point number (float)
b = True

print(s, i, f, b)
print(type(s), type(i), type(f), type(b))
Hello world 1 3.141592 True
<class 'str'> <class 'int'> <class 'float'> <class 'bool'>

1.1. String

Strings are made using various kinds of (matching) quotes. Examples:

In [2]:
s1 = 'hello'
s2 = "world"
s3 = '''strings can 
also go 'over'
multiple "lines".'''

strings can 
also go 'over'
multiple "lines".

You can also 'add' strings using 'operator overloading', meaning that the plus sign can take on different meanings depending on the data types of the variables you are using it on.

In [3]:
print(s1 + ' ' + s2)  # note, we need the space otherwise we would get 'helloworld'
hello world

Another methods of putting strings together is called 'formatted string literals' (also called f-strings for short).

In [4]:
# Here, we assign the string directly inside of the parenthesis.
print(f'{s1} {s2}') 
# The other method is to have numeric placeholders and assign text with .format() method. 
print('{0} {1}'.format(s1, s2))
hello world
hello world


  1. Create two variables (or three if you have middle name), called first and last, and assign your first and last name, respectively.
  2. Comebine those two variables into a new variable and make a new variable called name. It should have a space between your first and last name.

In [ ]:
# Your code here
In [ ]:
""" Test code for the previous function. 
This cell should NOT give any errors when it is run."""

# Check your result here. 
print(f'{first} {last}')

assert f'{first} {last}' == name

1.2. Numeric types (i.e., Integer and Float)

In [5]:
year = 2022  # if you assign INTEGER to a variable, the type will be an INTEGER
pi = 3.141592  # if you assign FLOAT to a variable, the type will be an FLOAT. 

print(year, type(year))
print(pi, type(pi))
2022 <class 'int'>
3.141592 <class 'float'>

You can use the following arithmetic operator in Python.

Name Operator Example
Addition + x + y
Subtraction - x - y
Multiplication * x * y
Division / x / y
Exponentiation ** x ** y
Floor division // x // y
Modulus % x % y
In [6]:
aa = 25
bb = 3

print(f'Addition:        {aa} + {bb} = {aa + bb}') 
print(f'Subtraction:     {aa} - {bb} = {aa - bb}') 
print(f'Multiplication:  {aa} * {bb} = {aa * bb}') 
print(f'Division:        {aa} / {bb} = {aa / bb}') 
print(f'Exponentiation:  {aa} ** {bb} = {aa ** bb}') 
print(f'Floor division:  {aa} // {bb} = {aa // bb}') 
print(f'Modulus:         {aa} % {bb} = {aa % bb}') 
Addition:        25 + 3 = 28
Subtraction:     25 - 3 = 22
Multiplication:  25 * 3 = 75
Division:        25 / 3 = 8.333333333333334
Exponentiation:  25 ** 3 = 15625
Floor division:  25 // 3 = 8
Modulus:         25 % 3 = 1

If you sum an integer and a float, its type will be float, regardless of the result of the sum.

In [7]:
n1 = 1
n2 = 1.0
n3 = n1 + n2
print(n3, type(n3))
2.0 <class 'float'>

You can easily change the type of numerical variables with int() and float().
Note that int() will only keep the integer part of float (e.g., 3.141592 -> 3).

In [8]:
# From integer to float
print(n1, type(n1))

n4 = float(n1)
print(n4, type(n4))

# From float to integer
print(pi, type(pi))

n5 = int(pi)
print(n5, type(n5))
1 <class 'int'>
1.0 <class 'float'>
3.141592 <class 'float'>
3 <class 'int'>

If you don't want to round the number, instead of just loosing decimal points, use function round().

In [9]:
# round(number, digit) takes two arguments. 
# The first is the number to be rounded, the second is the number of decimals (default is 0).
print(round(pi, 1))  
print(round(pi, 2))
print(round(pi, 3))
print(round(pi, 4))
print(round(pi, 5))


  1. Calculate the perimeter and the area of a circle with a radius of 5 (You can use pi assigned in the previus cell).

    $$ C = 2 \pi r $$ $$ A = \pi r ^2 $$
  1. Assign the perimeter and the area to C and A, respectively.

In [ ]:
# Your code here
In [ ]:
""" Test code for the previous function. 
This cell should NOT give any errors when it is run."""

# Check your result here. 
print(f'Perimeter of a circle: {C}')
print(f'Area of a circle: {A}')

assert round(C, 2) == 31.42
assert round(A, 2) == 78.54

2. Examining Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) in the Conterminous US

2.1. Introduction

This notebook will walk you through some basic techniques for spatial analysis and visualization in the CyberGIS-Jupyter environment. We will use CDC county-level Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) data to examine the characteristics of SVI and whether they are spatially autocorrelated.

Specifically, this notebook includes functions for

  1. Changing coordinate systems,
  2. Creating Choropleth maps.

2.2. What is Social Vulnerability?

The degree to which a community exhibits certain social conditions, including high poverty, low percentage of vehicle access, or crowded households, may affect that community’s ability to prevent human suffering and financial loss in the event of disaster (e.g., a tornado, disease outbreak, or a chemical spill). These factors describe a community’s social vulnerability.



This cell is to import required modules and libs. A breif description on the purpose of each libs can be found below:

  • pandas: for tabular data analysis and manipulation
  • geopandas: extention of pandas with spatial information
  • PySAL: Python Spatial Analysis Library for open source, cross platform Geospatia Data Science
    • libpysal: Core package
    • esda: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (e.g., Moran's I)
    • mapclassify: Choropleth map classification
  • matplotlib - for creating plots and figures
In [10]:
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import libpysal
import esda
import mapclassify
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

import warnings

2.3. Data Preprocessing

In [11]:
# Social Vulnerability per county
# Data source:

# Read Shapefile into GeoDataFrame
county_svi = gpd.read_file('./data/SVI2020_US_county.shp')

# The original data has numerous columns, so we only select the necessary information
county_svi = county_svi[['ST', 'STATE', 'ST_ABBR', 'COUNTY', 'FIPS', 'SPL_THEMES' , 'geometry']]

# Call the first 5 rows of GeoDataFrame
0 01 Alabama AL Autauga 01001 8.0255 POLYGON ((-86.92120 32.65754, -86.92035 32.658...
1 01 Alabama AL Baldwin 01003 6.8498 POLYGON ((-88.02858 30.22676, -88.02399 30.230...
2 01 Alabama AL Barbour 01005 12.2801 POLYGON ((-85.74803 31.61918, -85.74543 31.618...
3 01 Alabama AL Bibb 01007 9.8077 POLYGON ((-87.42194 33.00338, -87.31854 33.006...
4 01 Alabama AL Blount 01009 8.0278 POLYGON ((-86.96336 33.85822, -86.95967 33.857...
In [12]:
# A CSV file that defines which states in the conterminous US

# Read CSV file into DataFrame
lookup = pd.read_csv('./data/state_lookup.csv')

# Select only necessary information
lookup['ST_ABBR'] = lookup['Abbr']
lookup = lookup[['ST_ABBR', 'ContiguousUS']]

# Call the first 5 rows of DataFrame
ST_ABBR ContiguousUS
0 AL 1
1 AK 0
2 AZ 1
3 AR 1
4 CA 1
In [13]:
# Merge `county_svi` GeoDataFrame with `lookup` DataFrame to select counties in the conterminous US (CONUS) 
svi_conus = county_svi.merge(lookup, on='ST_ABBR')

# Select counties in CONUS (with the value of 1 in the `ContiguousUS` column)
svi_conus = svi_conus.loc[svi_conus['ContiguousUS'] == 1].reset_index(drop=True)

# We will be using this `svi_conus` GeoDataFrame for the rest of our analysis
0 01 Alabama AL Autauga 01001 8.0255 POLYGON ((-86.92120 32.65754, -86.92035 32.658... 1
1 01 Alabama AL Baldwin 01003 6.8498 POLYGON ((-88.02858 30.22676, -88.02399 30.230... 1
2 01 Alabama AL Barbour 01005 12.2801 POLYGON ((-85.74803 31.61918, -85.74543 31.618... 1
3 01 Alabama AL Bibb 01007 9.8077 POLYGON ((-87.42194 33.00338, -87.31854 33.006... 1
4 01 Alabama AL Blount 01009 8.0278 POLYGON ((-86.96336 33.85822, -86.95967 33.857... 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3103 56 Wyoming WY Sweetwater 56037 7.1912 POLYGON ((-110.05438 42.01103, -110.05436 42.0... 1
3104 56 Wyoming WY Teton 56039 5.9720 POLYGON ((-111.05361 44.66627, -110.75076 44.6... 1
3105 56 Wyoming WY Uinta 56041 7.3769 POLYGON ((-111.04662 41.15604, -111.04659 41.2... 1
3106 56 Wyoming WY Washakie 56043 6.5491 POLYGON ((-108.55063 44.15179, -108.55056 44.1... 1
3107 56 Wyoming WY Weston 56045 6.2839 POLYGON ((-105.08078 43.96622, -105.07928 44.1... 1

3108 rows × 8 columns

In [14]:
# Dissolve `svi_conus` GeoDataFrame per state to obtain state-level geometry for visualization purposes
states = svi_conus.dissolve(by='STATE').reset_index()
0 Alabama MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.91825 30.25331, -87.91376 ... 01 AL Autauga 01001 8.0255 1
1 Arizona POLYGON ((-109.04714 33.74001, -109.04666 33.6... 04 AZ Apache 04001 11.4879 1
2 Arkansas POLYGON ((-92.83888 36.49803, -92.83862 36.498... 05 AR Arkansas 05001 9.0553 1
3 California MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.57390 33.03055, -118.5684... 06 CA Alameda 06001 8.0304 1
4 Colorado POLYGON ((-104.93839 40.99808, -104.85527 40.9... 08 CO Adams 08001 9.0265 1
In [15]:
col_selected = 'SPL_THEMES'
In [16]:
# Create a map of SVI with red color scheme
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create empty canvas
svi_conus.plot(col_selected, cmap='Reds', legend=True, ax=ax) # Plot SVI 
states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot state boundary
ax.set_axis_off() # remove ticks of plot # show plot

2.4. Changing Coordinate Systems

Geographic Coordinate System (e.g., WGS84 or NAD83) might not be a good choice for visualizing the national-level data as it could exaggerate high-latitude areas. Here, we will change the coordinate system to Alber's equal-area conic projection, the recommended projected coordinate system for CONUS.

In [17]:
# The original coordinate system (crs)
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4269>
Name: NAD83
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: North America - onshore and offshore: Canada - Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon. Puerto Rico. United States (USA) - Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Hawaii; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming. US Virgin Islands. British Virgin Islands.
- bounds: (167.65071105957, 14.928194130078, -47.743430543984, 86.453745196084)
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
In [18]:
# Change the coordinate system of GeoDataFrame into Albers equal-area conic projection
svi_conus = svi_conus.to_crs(epsg=5070)
states = states.to_crs(epsg=5070)
In [19]:
# Changed coordinate system (crs)
<Derived Projected CRS: EPSG:5070>
Name: NAD83 / Conus Albers
Axis Info [cartesian]:
- X[east]: Easting (metre)
- Y[north]: Northing (metre)
Area of Use:
- name: United States (USA) - CONUS onshore - Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; North Dakota; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia; Wisconsin; Wyoming.
- bounds: (-124.79, 24.41, -66.91, 49.38)
Coordinate Operation:
- name: Conus Albers
- method: Albers Equal Area
Datum: North American Datum 1983
- Ellipsoid: GRS 1980
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
In [20]:
# Create a map of SVI with red color scheme
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create empty canvas
svi_conus.plot(col_selected, cmap='Reds', legend=True, ax=ax) # Plot SVI 
states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot state boundary
ax.set_axis_off() # remove ticks of plot # show plot

2.5. Various Choropleth maps with different classification methods

We will examine how the maps will be different based on the following classificaiton methods.

  • Equal Interval divides the classes with equal interval.
  • Quantiles has the same count of features in each class.
  • Standard Deviation makes each standard deviation becomes a class (e.g., -2 std, -1 std, 1 std, and 2 std).
  • Natural Breaks creates classes with maximum inter-class deviation with minimum intra-class deviation, (optimistically speaking).
In [21]:
# Distribution of the data
In [22]:
# Simple statistics of the data
count    3108.000000
mean        7.901143
std         2.049767
min         2.136000
25%         6.414000
50%         7.939350
75%         9.383075
max        13.245600
Name: SPL_THEMES, dtype: float64

Exercise (3 minutes)

Choose your own color scheme for Choropleth maps

Color scheme has a huge influence on the interpretation of maps. Here, we will try to stay away from the color scheme provided by matplotlib package and use our own color scheme.

Please visit the website below and copy and paste the color scheme you like the most.

  1. Visit
  2. Select sequential among the three radio buttons on the top-left corner (It is selected by default).
  3. Change Number of data classes to 5, and pick the color you like the most.
  4. Expand EXPORT button.
  5. Copy and paste the hex color codes under JavaScript into input_colors in the cell below.

In [23]:
# Define our own color scheme
input_colors = ['#ffffb2','#fecc5c','#fd8d3c','#f03b20','#bd0026']
my_color_bar = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_color_bar', input_colors, N=5)
my_color_bar colormap

Choropleth map with Equal Interval Classification

This method divides the classes with equal intervals.

In [24]:
# Conduct map classificaiton 
cls_ei5 = mapclassify.EqualInterval( # Classification method
                                    svi_conus[col_selected], # Column to be used for classification

   Interval      Count
[ 2.14,  4.36] |   145
( 4.36,  6.58] |   705
( 6.58,  8.80] |  1173
( 8.80, 11.02] |   883
(11.02, 13.25] |   202
In [25]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create an empty canvas

# Plot a map
cls_ei5.plot(gdf=svi_conus, # GeoDataFrame that will be used for plotting
             cmap=my_color_bar, # Color bar, which was defined above
             legend=True, # Will show the associate legend
             legend_kwds={'loc': 'lower left'},  # Location of legend
             ax=ax  # Destination of the plot

# Supplementary for visualization purposes
states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot boundary of states
ax.set_axis_off() # Hide ticks of the plot # Show plot

Challenges (5 minutes)

Choose your own classifications for Choropleth maps

In this challenge, you will create three maps with 1) Quantiles, 2) Standard Deviation, and 3) Natural Breaks.

  1. Please visit mapclassify API website and find corresponding function.
  2. Create three empty cells below (one for each method).
  3. Copy and paste the following skeleton code into the cells.
  4. Modify the code as needed. HINT: YOU ONLY NEED TO REPLACE A VARIABLE, where indicated by REPLACE_HERE.
# Conduct map classificaiton 
temp_class = mapclassify.***REPLACE_HERE***( # Classification method
                                            svi_conus[col_selected], # Column to be used for classification

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create an empty canvas
# Plot a map
temp_class.plot(gdf=svi_conus, # GeoDataFrame that will be used for plotting
                cmap=my_color_bar, # Color bar, which was defined above
                legend=True, # Will show the associate legend
                legend_kwds={'loc': 'lower left'},  # Location of legend
                ax=ax  # Destination of the plot

# Supplementary for visualization purposes
states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot boundary of states
ax.set_axis_off() # Hide ticks of the plot # Show plot

Choropleth map with Quantiles

Please uncomment the code below and replace REPLACE_HERE with associated function (Quantiles).
To uncomment the code,

  1. Select the entire code in the cell.
  2. Use shortcut (Ctrl+/) to uncomment the code.
In [ ]:
# cls_q5 = mapclassify.REPLACE_HERE(svi_conus[col_selected])

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create an empty canvas

# # Plot a map
# cls_q5.plot(gdf=svi_conus, # GeoDataFrame that will be used for plotting
#              cmap=my_color_bar, # Color bar, which was defined above
#              legend=True, # Will show the associate legend
#              legend_kwds={'loc': 'lower left'},  # Location of legend
#              ax=ax  # Destination of the plot
#             )

# # Supplementary for visualization purposes
# states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot boundary of states
# ax.set_axis_off() # Hide ticks of the plot
# # Show plot

Choropleth map with Standard Deviation

Please uncomment the code below and replace REPLACE_HERE with associated function (StdMean).
To uncomment the code,

  1. Select the entire code in the cell.
  2. Use shortcut (Ctrl+/) to uncomment the code.
In [ ]:
# cls_sm5 = mapclassify.REPLACE_HERE(svi_conus[col_selected])

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create an empty canvas

# # Plot a map
# cls_sm5.plot(gdf=svi_conus, # GeoDataFrame that will be used for plotting
#              cmap=my_color_bar, # Color bar, which was defined above
#              legend=True, # Will show the associate legend
#              legend_kwds={'loc': 'lower left'},  # Location of legend
#              ax=ax  # Destination of the plot
#             )

# # Supplementary for visualization purposes
# states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot boundary of states
# ax.set_axis_off() # Hide ticks of the plot
# # Show plot

Choropleth map with Natural Breaks

Please uncomment the code below and replace REPLACE_HERE with associated function (NaturalBreaks).
To uncomment the code,

  1. Select the entire code in the cell.
  2. Use shortcut (Ctrl+/) to uncomment the code.
In [ ]:
# cls_nb5 = mapclassify.REPLACE_HERE(svi_conus[col_selected])

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create an empty canvas

# # Plot a map
# cls_nb5.plot(gdf=svi_conus, # GeoDataFrame that will be used for plotting
#              cmap=my_color_bar, # Color bar, which was defined above
#              legend=True, # Will show the associate legend
#              legend_kwds={'loc': 'lower left'},  # Location of legend
#              ax=ax  # Destination of the plot
#             )

# # Supplementary for visualization purposes
# states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot boundary of states
# ax.set_axis_off() # Hide ticks of the plot
# # Show plot

Compare maps

In [26]:
cls_q5 = mapclassify.Quantiles(svi_conus[col_selected])
cls_sm5 = mapclassify.StdMean(svi_conus[col_selected])
cls_nb5 = mapclassify.NaturalBreaks(svi_conus[col_selected])
In [27]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(18, 10))
axes = axes.reshape(-1)

class_methods = [cls_ei5, cls_q5, cls_sm5, cls_nb5]
for idx, temp_method in enumerate(class_methods):
                     cmap= my_color_bar, 
                     legend_kwds={'loc': 'lower left'},
    states.boundary.plot(ax=axes[idx], color='black', linewidth=1)
    axes[idx].set_title(, fontsize=20)

So, what's the best classification method?

While it can vary depending on the situation, the best method is considered as the one which can maximize inter-class deviation and minimize intra-class deviation.
The code below calculates Absolute deviation around class median (ADCM), and the method with minimum value can be considered the best one.

In [28]:
class_result = pd.DataFrame({'adcm': [c.adcm for c in class_methods],
                             'name': [ for c in class_methods]})
class_result.sort_values('adcm', inplace=True)
class_result.plot.barh('name', 'adcm', figsize=(10,5))

3. Spatial Autocorrelation

Now, we will exmaine spatial autocorrelation of SVI with Moran's I and Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA).

Global Moran's I demonstrates how geographical phenomena are correlated over space, meaning whether closer things is more related than distant things. The method provides an index with the range -1 to 1; namely, -1 is a strong negative spatial autocorrelation and 1 is a strong positive spatial autocorrelation.

While Global Moran's I only provides one index to demonstrate spatial autocorrelation, Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA), as known as Local Moran's I explains where high (i.e., HH Cluster) and low (LL Cluster) values are clustered.

3.1. Data Preprocessing

In [29]:
w = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(svi_conus) # Calculate spatial relationship (contiguity) of geometry
y = svi_conus[col_selected] # Value to be used for spatial autocorrelation

The following figure will demonstrate what contiguity means. Here, we use Queen's case.

In [30]:
svi_co = svi_conus.loc[svi_conus['ST_ABBR'] == 'CO'].reset_index(drop=True) # Select counties in Colorado
w_co = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(svi_co)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) # Create an empty canvas

w_co.plot(svi_co, ax=ax)

3.2. Calculating Moran's I

In [31]:
mi_svi = esda.moran.Moran(y, w)

print(f"Moran's I is {round(mi_svi.I, 3)} with p-value {round(mi_svi.p_norm, 5)}, meaning they are highly spatially autocorrelated.")
('WARNING: ', 1186, ' is an island (no neighbors)')
('WARNING: ', 1192, ' is an island (no neighbors)')
('WARNING: ', 2946, ' is an island (no neighbors)')
Moran's I is 0.529 with p-value 0.0, meaning they are highly spatially autocorrelated.

3.3. Calculating LISA

In [32]:
# Remove counties without adjacent county
svi_conus_ = svi_conus.loc[~svi_conus.index.isin(w.islands)].reset_index(drop=True)

w_lisa = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(svi_conus_)  # Calculate spatial relationship (contiguity) of geometry
y_lisa = svi_conus_[col_selected] # Value to be used for spatial autocorrelation

# Calculate LISA
lm_svi = esda.moran.Moran_Local(y_lisa, w_lisa, seed=17)
In [33]:
# Classes of LISA
lisa_dict = {1: 'HH', 2:'LH', 3:'LL', 4:'HL'} 
# Color for LISA clusters
lisa_color = {'HH': '#FF0000', # Red
              'LH': '#FFCCCB', # Light red
              'LL': '#0000FF', # Blue
              'HL': '#ADD8E6', # Light blue
              'NA': '#FFFFFF'  # Light grey

for idx in range(len(lm_svi.y)):
    temp_q = lm_svi.q[idx] # Select a cluster of each row
    temp_pval = lm_svi.p_z_sim[idx] # Select p-value of each row
    if temp_pval < 0.05: # if the p-value is statistically significant (p-value < 0.05)[idx, 'LISA'] = lisa_dict[temp_q] # Will define local cluster
    else:[idx, 'LISA'] = 'NA' # If not significant, NA
svi_conus_['color'] = svi_conus_.apply(lambda x:lisa_color[x['LISA']], axis=1) # Assign color per LISA cluster
0 01 Alabama AL Autauga 01001 8.0255 POLYGON ((845502.651 1105502.561, 845570.149 1... 1 HH #FF0000
1 01 Alabama AL Baldwin 01003 6.8498 POLYGON ((765297.991 826660.876, 765703.766 82... 1 LH #FFCCCB
2 01 Alabama AL Barbour 01005 12.2801 POLYGON ((966818.148 1001565.672, 967065.502 1... 1 HH #FF0000
3 01 Alabama AL Bibb 01007 9.8077 POLYGON ((795521.328 1139598.901, 805055.230 1... 1 NA #FFFFFF
4 01 Alabama AL Blount 01009 8.0278 POLYGON ((828860.688 1238570.568, 829200.834 1... 1 NA #FFFFFF
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3100 56 Wyoming WY Sweetwater 56037 7.1912 POLYGON ((-1151809.623 2197471.894, -1151753.9... 1 LL #0000FF
3101 56 Wyoming WY Teton 56039 5.9720 POLYGON ((-1186278.535 2502721.673, -1162597.8... 1 LL #0000FF
3102 56 Wyoming WY Uinta 56041 7.3769 POLYGON ((-1247555.219 2115432.000, -1246760.5... 1 LL #0000FF
3103 56 Wyoming WY Washakie 56043 6.5491 POLYGON ((-997846.866 2417231.150, -997597.050... 1 NA #FFFFFF
3104 56 Wyoming WY Weston 56045 6.2839 POLYGON ((-724949.677 2365214.220, -722597.332... 1 NA #FFFFFF

3105 rows × 10 columns

In [34]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7)) # Create an empty canvas

svi_conus_.plot('LISA', color=svi_conus_['color'], ax=ax, legend=True) # Plot LISA result

# Supplementary for visualization purposes
states.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color='black', linewidth=1) # Plot boundary of states
ax.set_axis_off() # Hide ticks of the plot # Show plot

Interactive map

You can also examine LISA of a specific county with the code below.

In [ ]:
# svi_conus_.explore(color='color', style_kwds={'weight':0.5, 'color':'black'})
