Import Packages

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import urllib
import zipfile
import glob
import os
from shapely.geometry import Point
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
import random as rd
%matplotlib inline

Import and Clean Data

For this mini project, we will need 2 layers: Public transit stations and COVID-19 vaccination clinic locations

In [2]:
    print('folder exists')
In [3]:
def download_unzip_shp(link, foldername):
    # download shapefile as a zipped folder
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(link, foldername + ".zip")
    # unzip to another folder
    with zipfile.ZipFile(foldername + ".zip","r") as zip_ref:

    shp_name = glob.glob(foldername + '/*.shp')
    return shp_name
In [4]:
# bus stations:
## check this link:
buslink = ""
busname = "downloads/bus_shp"
bus_shp = download_unzip_shp(buslink, busname)
In [5]:
bus = gpd.read_file(bus_shp[0])

# convert from GCS to PCS for further actions
bus = bus.to_crs(epsg=6434)

In [6]:
# uncomment to check the shapefile coordinate system
In [7]:
# metro stations:
## check this link:
metrolink = ""
metroname = "downloads/metro_shp"
metro_shp = download_unzip_shp(metrolink, metroname)
In [8]:
metro = gpd.read_file(metro_shp[0])
# convert from GCS to PCS for further actions
metro = metro.to_crs(epsg=6434)
In [9]:
# join them together:
bshort = bus[['shelter_id','geometry']]
mshort = metro[['name','geometry']]
transit = gpd.GeoDataFrame( pd.concat([bshort, mshort], ignore_index=True) )
In [10]:
transit['ID'] = transit.index
In [11]:
# uncomment to check the shapefile coordinate system
In [12]:
# if you would like to download a .csv version: try codes below
# # bus stations:
# urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "bus.csv")

# # metro stations:
# urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "metro.csv")
In [13]:
# census tracts:
## check this link:
ctlink = ""
ctname = "downloads/2010 Census Tracts_shp"
ct_shp = download_unzip_shp(ctlink, ctname)
In [14]:
ct = gpd.read_file(ct_shp[0])

# convert from GCS to PCS for further actions
ct = ct.to_crs(epsg=6434)

In [15]:
# uncomment to check the shapefile coordinate system
In [16]:
# vaccine station
# the processing notebook is in the floder
# several geocoding errors are fixed manually
vs = pd.read_csv('Vac_station_final.csv')
ID Name Address Notes Phone_Number Station_Type Vaccine_Type Notes.1 formatted_address latitude longitude
0 0 Abyssinian Baptist Church- Pop Up 132 West 138th Street, Manhattan $100 incentive available , Walk-up vaccination... (877) 829-4692 Pop Up - Van Vaccines offered:Pfizer (12+)Johnson & Johnson... $100 incentive available , Walk-up vaccination... 132 W 138th St, New York, NY 10030, USA 40.816682 -73.941556
1 1 AMC Magic Johnson Harlem- Pop Up 2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd, Manhattan $100 incentive available , Walk-up vaccination... (877) 829-4692 Pop Up - Bus Vaccine offered:Pfizer (5-11) $100 incentive available , Walk-up vaccination... 2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd, New York, NY 100... 40.809686 -73.951782
In [17]:
## generate geo-spatial dataframe using csv files
geometry = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(vs.longitude, vs.latitude)]
vs = GeoDataFrame(vs, geometry=geometry)
vs.set_crs(epsg=4326, inplace=True)
vs = vs.to_crs(epsg=6434)
In [18]:
In [ ]:


In [19]:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10,10) # change the plots to a larger size

First, select a random station

In [20]:
# select 1 random station:
station_code = rd.randrange(3896) 
station = transit[transit['ID'] == station_code]

# plot both the select station and the census tracts
ax = ct.plot()
station.plot(ax=ax, color='brown')

Then, generate 1 mile radius buffer and clip census tract to 3 mile bounding box

In [21]:
radius = 1 * 5280 ## convert 1 mile radius to 5280 ft

# generate buffer around the selected station
buffer = station.geometry.buffer(radius)
bounding = station.buffer(radius * 3, cap_style=3) ## 3 is square bounding
ct_clip = gpd.clip(ct,bounding)

ax = ct_clip.plot()
buffer.plot(ax=ax, color='yellow')
station.plot(ax=ax, color='brown')
C:\Users\yunhe\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: EPSG:6434
Right CRS: None


Next, clip vaccination station layer with bounding box, and futher select vaccination stations in 1-mile buffer

In [22]:
vac_clip = gpd.clip(vs,buffer)
other_vac_clip = gpd.clip(vs,bounding)

ax = ct_clip.plot()
buffer.plot(ax=ax, color='yellow')
station.plot(ax=ax, color='brown')

other_vac_clip.plot(ax=ax, marker = "o", markersize=20, color = 'violet')
vac_clip.plot(ax=ax, marker = "*", markersize=260, color = 'hotpink')
C:\Users\yunhe\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: EPSG:6434
Right CRS: None

In [23]:
ID Name Address Notes Phone_Number Station_Type Vaccine_Type Notes.1 formatted_address latitude longitude geometry
68 68 NYC Vaccine Hub - Korean Community Services 203-05 32nd Avenue, Queens $100 incentive available , Walk-up vaccination... (877) 829-4692 Community Health Center/Clinic Vaccines offered:Pfizer (5-11)Pfizer (12+) $100 incentive available , Walk-up vaccination... 203-05 32nd Ave, Flushing, NY 11361, USA 40.770949 -73.786463 POINT (712899.741 478991.509)
721 721 Walgreens/Duane Reade 24-28 Bell Boulevard, Queens NaN (800) 925-4733 Pharmacy Vaccine offered:Moderna (18+) NaN 24-28 Bell Blvd, Bayside, NY 11360, USA 40.779062 -73.776015 POINT (715828.853 481912.856)
709 709 Walgreens/Duane Reade 19-23 Utopia Parkway, Queens NaN (800) 925-4733 Pharmacy Vaccine offered:Moderna (18+) NaN 19-23 Utopia Pkwy, Whitestone, NY 11357, USA 40.779974 -73.793427 POINT (711010.623 482302.802)
In [ ]:
In [24]:
# if you would like to generate shapefile/csv output, uncomment lines below
# os.mkdir('outputs')
# vac_clip.to_file(driver='ESRI Shapefile', filename = "outputs/vac_clip.shp")
# vac_clip.to_csv('outputs/vac_clip.csv')
In [ ]: