Siddhesh R. Kudale

Making the spatial interpolation map for transit ridership

In [1]:
# Importing Shapefile with subway station data
import geopandas as gpd
fp = "Map1/geo_export_9a6789b4-3db4-46c2-980b-3342a7a7b6cf.shp"
data = gpd.read_file(fp)

# Importing Shapefile with NYC borough boundary data
bdry = "Boundary/geo_export_927131ad-d55f-48e0-8a33-8a784b0af41a.shp"
bdata = gpd.read_file(bdry)
bdata = bdata.drop([3])

data['lon'] = data.geometry.x
data['lat'] = data.geometry.y

%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Importing station-wise ridership data (open source; retrieved and cleaned from
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('Map1/MTA Ridership.xlsx')
In [3]:
# Joining both datasets to continue
joined = pd.merge(df, data, left_on="Station", right_on="name")
Station 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 line name notes objectid url geometry lon lat
0 138th St - Grand Concourse 3222 3416 3480 3532 3486 3166 4-5 138th St - Grand Concourse 4-all times, skips rush hours AM southbound, P... 141.0 POINT (-73.92985 40.81322) -73.929849 40.813224
1 1st Ave 23467 24286 23789 23195 21823 20998 L 1st Ave L-all times 146.0 POINT (-73.98168 40.73097) -73.981681 40.730975
2 103rd St 13500 13318 13309 13246 12818 12569 1 103rd St 1-all times 159.0 POINT (-73.96838 40.79945) -73.968379 40.799446
3 103rd St 13500 13318 13309 13246 12818 12569 A-B-C 103rd St A-nights, B-weekdays and evenings, C-all times... 161.0 POINT (-73.96137 40.79606) -73.961370 40.796061
4 103rd St 13500 13318 13309 13246 12818 12569 4-6-6 Express 103rd St 4 nights, 6-all times, 6 Express-weekdays AM s... 458.0 POINT (-73.94748 40.79060) -73.947478 40.790600
In [4]:
# Importing essential libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import adjustText as aT
from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging
from pykrige.kriging_tools import write_asc_grid
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
import pykrige.kriging_tools as kt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.patches import Path, PathPatch
In [5]:
# Interpolation 

for r in range(len(zdata)):
    if zdata[r]>100000:
        zdata[r] = 100000

print (zdata)
[  3486  21823  12818  12818  12818  14337  14337  14337   4674   4674
   4674  20101   1900   1727  11932  11384  11384  11384   2571   2571
   2571   3235   3235   3235  11553  11553  11553  15899  15899  15899
   7232   7232   7232  15263   1135   7584   7584   7584   7584  15692
  15692  15692  15692  29065  29065  29065  29065  28680  28680  28680
  28680  15023  15023   5770   5770  14049  43434  43434  43434  48565
  48565  48565 107141 107141 107141   9863   9863   9863   3540   3540
   3540  23932  23932  23932  14063  14063   6272   3804   3804  26674
  26674   4436   9466   9466  10223  10223  25589  25589   8671   8910
   8910   7089   7089   7466   5475  13217   6232   6196   6196   6196
   4318   4318   4318   3107   3107   3107   8680  11693  11693  10981
  10981   4990   6271   4719   8419  16675   2139   2139   5009   5009
   6524   1863  10209   1988   3439   4340  14763  14763  14763  14763
  14763  28479  28479  28479  28479  28479  24161  24161  24161  24161
  24161  30758  30758  30758  30758  30758  25007  25007  25007  25007
  25007   9774   5138   4370   5790   4547  14740  14740  14740  23081
  23081  23081  13256  13256  13256   6934   8114  24228  11381  30040
  30040  12429  12429 127664 127664  10082  85585  85585  78904  78904
   5525  13894  13894   4786   4786   3267  10624  57395   7877   9049
   9049  13614  13614  61478  26519  25746  16871   3236   3236   3236
  25932  25932  25932  20502  20502  20502   6495   3788   2106  15154
  15154  35390  35390  16759  73105  73105  16323   3621  22918   9181
  24456   4973  10270  10270  10270  11801  11801  11801  17334  17334
  17334   5905  38957  38957  38957   8803   8803   8803  28145  28145
  28145  52018   3365   3641   6746   6746  27584  27584   6565   6565
  15698  15698  12514  12514  16994  13313  15393   3923   1534   1534
   1534   1534   1534  11742  11742  11742  11742  11742  18882  18882
  18882  18882  18882  45882  45882  45882  45882  45882  10681  10681
  10681  10681  10681  23722  23722  23722  23722  23722   2965   5471
  16848  37043  37043  37043  37043  18983  18983  18983  18983   9733
   9733   9733   9733  17150  17150  17150  17150   2424   5403   1672
   1031  16377  13103  16686   1821  42095  42095  42095   3329   1111
   6154   6094   2217   1821   1276   1276   1276   2285   2285   2285
   7391   7391   7391   2508   2926   7837   7837   7837    729    729
    729   9328   9328   9328   4173   5969   3846    278   1925    962
    690   2319   2440   1110    531  27783   7066   5649   8741   3853
   3853  11306  11306   3267   3267   4384   4384   3715  29395   5061
  12587    302   7130   4452   4452  13242  13242   8681   8681   8681
  37986   2676   6118  31804   3701   3466  11079   2112  12661  11723
   6756  12394  12394   7523   7523   1929   9233  22419  22419  22419
  70356  70356  70356   3408   9570   9512   9512   9512  17186  17186
  17186   9697   9697   9697   7731   5635   5106   3270   7130   7130
   5083   5083  13542   6348  23672  36762   4842  28980   3972   1501
  21230  21230  13050  13050  24993  24993   3849   7231   7231   6739
   6739   3999    953   4899   7691  14365   4647   4592   6605  12967
  10751   4738  20691   2866   2866   8952   8952  58511  11503  11503
  12054  12054   2819  27760   4162   4162   4162   5893   5893   5893
   3196   3196   3196  15269  15269   6333   6333   5809   4984   4223
   5364   5364   5364   5364   5364  91771  91771  91771  91771  91771
   7110  10536   7452  18754 154711 154711 154711   7317   7317  24460
  24460   6318   9648   7639   7639   5654   5654   6616   6616   8781
   8781   3899   2861   9215  15283   3292  10319   7283  10646   3377
   9217   5766  39326  22421   4972  43833  43833   7807  21751    970
  26493  19975  19975  19975   5186   5186   5186   2891   2891   2891
   9783   9783   8237   8237   4703   6564   2077   6143   4843  58467
  58467  66118  20893   2933   3264   3518   5161   5161  14752  14752
   5473  13377   5028   3064   2102   7021   7769   2527   6742   8770
   5512  13222   5743  22434  22434   9105   4441   1658   3631  10699
   6087   6087   5290   5290   5217   7600   7600  10728  10728   3437
   8751   4066   4066  18035  18035   3251   7722   1818   1818  16310
   5898   6593   7185   9173   9173   3237   3237   3503   4113  14400
   7704   7704   3199   3199  10234  11369  13502   5936   9453   9453
   7092   7092   5642   5642   5715   5715   7786    683   7354   5777
   1576  14311   3337   9446   4714  33019  11019  11019  12360  12360
   4196  14867   5795   4496  23843   4471   3449 203545 203545 203545
 203545  10055   6395  16408   7396   3660   3660   3660   3259   3259
   3259   2900   2900   2900  15781   5129  41835   2404   7657   6479
   1905   4564   7317   5104  21879   7260  16945      0  10373   2664]
[  3486  21823  12818  12818  12818  14337  14337  14337   4674   4674
   4674  20101   1900   1727  11932  11384  11384  11384   2571   2571
   2571   3235   3235   3235  11553  11553  11553  15899  15899  15899
   7232   7232   7232  15263   1135   7584   7584   7584   7584  15692
  15692  15692  15692  29065  29065  29065  29065  28680  28680  28680
  28680  15023  15023   5770   5770  14049  43434  43434  43434  48565
  48565  48565 100000 100000 100000   9863   9863   9863   3540   3540
   3540  23932  23932  23932  14063  14063   6272   3804   3804  26674
  26674   4436   9466   9466  10223  10223  25589  25589   8671   8910
   8910   7089   7089   7466   5475  13217   6232   6196   6196   6196
   4318   4318   4318   3107   3107   3107   8680  11693  11693  10981
  10981   4990   6271   4719   8419  16675   2139   2139   5009   5009
   6524   1863  10209   1988   3439   4340  14763  14763  14763  14763
  14763  28479  28479  28479  28479  28479  24161  24161  24161  24161
  24161  30758  30758  30758  30758  30758  25007  25007  25007  25007
  25007   9774   5138   4370   5790   4547  14740  14740  14740  23081
  23081  23081  13256  13256  13256   6934   8114  24228  11381  30040
  30040  12429  12429 100000 100000  10082  85585  85585  78904  78904
   5525  13894  13894   4786   4786   3267  10624  57395   7877   9049
   9049  13614  13614  61478  26519  25746  16871   3236   3236   3236
  25932  25932  25932  20502  20502  20502   6495   3788   2106  15154
  15154  35390  35390  16759  73105  73105  16323   3621  22918   9181
  24456   4973  10270  10270  10270  11801  11801  11801  17334  17334
  17334   5905  38957  38957  38957   8803   8803   8803  28145  28145
  28145  52018   3365   3641   6746   6746  27584  27584   6565   6565
  15698  15698  12514  12514  16994  13313  15393   3923   1534   1534
   1534   1534   1534  11742  11742  11742  11742  11742  18882  18882
  18882  18882  18882  45882  45882  45882  45882  45882  10681  10681
  10681  10681  10681  23722  23722  23722  23722  23722   2965   5471
  16848  37043  37043  37043  37043  18983  18983  18983  18983   9733
   9733   9733   9733  17150  17150  17150  17150   2424   5403   1672
   1031  16377  13103  16686   1821  42095  42095  42095   3329   1111
   6154   6094   2217   1821   1276   1276   1276   2285   2285   2285
   7391   7391   7391   2508   2926   7837   7837   7837    729    729
    729   9328   9328   9328   4173   5969   3846    278   1925    962
    690   2319   2440   1110    531  27783   7066   5649   8741   3853
   3853  11306  11306   3267   3267   4384   4384   3715  29395   5061
  12587    302   7130   4452   4452  13242  13242   8681   8681   8681
  37986   2676   6118  31804   3701   3466  11079   2112  12661  11723
   6756  12394  12394   7523   7523   1929   9233  22419  22419  22419
  70356  70356  70356   3408   9570   9512   9512   9512  17186  17186
  17186   9697   9697   9697   7731   5635   5106   3270   7130   7130
   5083   5083  13542   6348  23672  36762   4842  28980   3972   1501
  21230  21230  13050  13050  24993  24993   3849   7231   7231   6739
   6739   3999    953   4899   7691  14365   4647   4592   6605  12967
  10751   4738  20691   2866   2866   8952   8952  58511  11503  11503
  12054  12054   2819  27760   4162   4162   4162   5893   5893   5893
   3196   3196   3196  15269  15269   6333   6333   5809   4984   4223
   5364   5364   5364   5364   5364  91771  91771  91771  91771  91771
   7110  10536   7452  18754 100000 100000 100000   7317   7317  24460
  24460   6318   9648   7639   7639   5654   5654   6616   6616   8781
   8781   3899   2861   9215  15283   3292  10319   7283  10646   3377
   9217   5766  39326  22421   4972  43833  43833   7807  21751    970
  26493  19975  19975  19975   5186   5186   5186   2891   2891   2891
   9783   9783   8237   8237   4703   6564   2077   6143   4843  58467
  58467  66118  20893   2933   3264   3518   5161   5161  14752  14752
   5473  13377   5028   3064   2102   7021   7769   2527   6742   8770
   5512  13222   5743  22434  22434   9105   4441   1658   3631  10699
   6087   6087   5290   5290   5217   7600   7600  10728  10728   3437
   8751   4066   4066  18035  18035   3251   7722   1818   1818  16310
   5898   6593   7185   9173   9173   3237   3237   3503   4113  14400
   7704   7704   3199   3199  10234  11369  13502   5936   9453   9453
   7092   7092   5642   5642   5715   5715   7786    683   7354   5777
   1576  14311   3337   9446   4714  33019  11019  11019  12360  12360
   4196  14867   5795   4496  23843   4471   3449 100000 100000 100000
 100000  10055   6395  16408   7396   3660   3660   3660   3259   3259
   3259   2900   2900   2900  15781   5129  41835   2404   7657   6479
   1905   4564   7317   5104  21879   7260  16945      0  10373   2664]
In [6]:
# Setting bounds
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bdata.total_bounds
In [7]:
xmin = xmin-0.01
xmax = xmax+0.01

ymin = ymin-0.01
ymax = ymax+0.01

grid_lon = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 200)
grid_lat = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 200)
In [8]:
# Spatial Kriging by linear method
OK = OrdinaryKriging(lons, lats, zdata, variogram_model='linear', verbose=True, enable_plotting=False,nlags=20)
z1, ss1 = OK.execute('grid', grid_lon, grid_lat)
print (z1)
Adjusting data for anisotropy...
Initializing variogram model...
Coordinates type: 'euclidean' 

Using 'linear' Variogram Model
Slope: 0.0027199070900678635
Nugget: 288518685.5137301 

Calculating statistics on variogram model fit...
Executing Ordinary Kriging...

[[15295.116175530966 15295.116175514446 15295.116175498124 ...
  15295.116173567676 15295.116173565855 15295.116173563656]
 [15295.116175541594 15295.116175525263 15295.116175508736 ...
  15295.116173568445 15295.116173566235 15295.116173564911]
 [15295.116175553554 15295.116175537009 15295.11617552035 ...
  15295.116173569602 15295.116173567883 15295.116173565671]
 [15295.11617755197 15295.116177542677 15295.116177532846 ...
  15295.116174723522 15295.116174716646 15295.116174709872]
 [15295.116177542684 15295.116177533346 15295.116177523996 ...
  15295.116174729945 15295.116174723318 15295.1161747164]
 [15295.116177534295 15295.116177524942 15295.116177514356 ...
  15295.116174736224 15295.116174729288 15295.116174723407]]
In [9]:
# Importing Shapefile with census tract boundaries 
fp1 = "Map2/Classmaps01.shp"
data1 = gpd.read_file(fp1)
data1 = data1.to_crs("EPSG:4326")

# Clipping tract boundaries by NYC borough boundary shapefile
clip = gpd.clip(data1, bdata)
In [11]:
# Making the final interpolated plot
xintrp, yintrp = np.meshgrid(grid_lon, grid_lat) 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(50,30))
boundarygeom = bdata.geometry
contour = plt.contourf(xintrp, yintrp, z1,len(z1),,alpha = 1) 
bdata.plot(ax=ax, color='white', alpha = 0.4, linewidth=3.5, edgecolor='black', zorder = 40)
npts = len(lons)
plt.scatter(lons, lats, marker='.', c='black', s=npts/4)
plt.xticks(fontsize = 20, rotation=90)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 20)
plt.title('Spatial interpolation of ridership with linear kriging (%d points)' %npts, fontsize = 40)
clip.boundary.plot(ax=ax, alpha = 0.1, linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='black', zorder =40)

from shapely.geometry import Point
bdata["rep"] = bdata["geometry"].representative_point()
bdata_points = bdata.copy()

bdata_points.set_geometry("rep", inplace = True)
texts = []

for x, y, label in zip(bdata_points.geometry.x, bdata_points.geometry.y, bdata_points["boro_name"]):
    texts.append(plt.text(x, y, label, fontsize = 25))
aT.adjust_text(texts, force_points=0.3, force_text=0.8, expand_points=(1,1), expand_text=(1,1), 
               arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-", color='black', lw=0.5))

Making the choropleth map of tractwise trip generation

In [12]:
# Importing Shapefile with census tract boundaries 
fp1 = "Map2/Classmaps01.shp"
data1 = gpd.read_file(fp1)
In [13]:
# Importing excel with census tract IDs and ridership data for various modes
df2 = pd.read_excel('Map2/Output1.xlsx')

# Retaining non-zero values only
df2 = df2[(df2['estimate'] > 0)]

# Grouping by tract to sum all modes for each tract
total = df2.groupby('GEOID').sum('estimate')
total = total.merge(df2, on = 'GEOID')
total = total[["GEOID", "NAME","estimate_x"]]
total = total[(total['estimate_x'] < 30000)]
In [14]:
GEOID NAME estimate_x
0 36005000200 Census Tract 2, Bronx County, New York 4609
1 36005000200 Census Tract 2, Bronx County, New York 4609
2 36005000200 Census Tract 2, Bronx County, New York 4609
3 36005000200 Census Tract 2, Bronx County, New York 4609
4 36005000200 Census Tract 2, Bronx County, New York 4609
... ... ... ...
26215 36081162100 Census Tract 1621, Queens County, New York 9397
26216 36081162100 Census Tract 1621, Queens County, New York 9397
26217 36081162100 Census Tract 1621, Queens County, New York 9397
26218 36081162100 Census Tract 1621, Queens County, New York 9397
26219 36081162100 Census Tract 1621, Queens County, New York 9397

26206 rows × 3 columns

In [15]:
data1 = data1[~data1['GEOID'].isnull()]
data1['GEOID'] = data1['GEOID'].astype(str).str.replace('.', '')
data1 = data1[data1['GEOID'].str.isnumeric()]
data1[['GEOID']] = data1[['GEOID']].astype(int)
/tmp/ipykernel_439/ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. In addition, single character regular expressions will *not* be treated as literal strings when regex=True.
  data1['GEOID'] = data1['GEOID'].astype(str).str.replace('.', '')
In [16]:
total = total.merge(data1, on='GEOID')
In [17]:
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
total = GeoDataFrame(total)
In [18]:
total = total.to_crs("EPSG:4326")
clipped = gpd.clip(total, bdata)
In [19]:
7872 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7873 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7875 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7876 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7877 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
In [20]:
# Making the final plot for tractwise trip generation
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(50,30))
clipped.plot(column='estimate_x', ax=ax, cmap='Spectral_r', legend=True)
bdata.plot(ax=ax, color='white', alpha = 0.4, linewidth=3.5, edgecolor='black', zorder = 40)
clipped.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color = 'grey', alpha = 0.2, linewidth=0.2, edgecolor='black',zorder =40)
plt.scatter(lons, lats, marker='.', c='darkred', s=npts/4)

bdata["rep"] = bdata["geometry"].representative_point()
bdata_points = bdata.copy()

bdata_points.set_geometry("rep", inplace = True)
texts = []

for x, y, label in zip(bdata_points.geometry.x, bdata_points.geometry.y, bdata_points["boro_name"]):
    texts.append(plt.text(x, y, label, fontsize = 25))

aT.adjust_text(texts, force_points=0.3, force_text=0.8, expand_points=(1,1), expand_text=(1,1), 
               arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="-", color='black', lw=0.5))

plt.title('Tractwise trip generation in New York CBSA', fontsize = 40)

plt.xticks(fontsize = 20, rotation=90)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 20)
(array([40.5 , 40.55, 40.6 , 40.65, 40.7 , 40.75, 40.8 , 40.85, 40.9 ,
 [Text(0, 40.5, '40.50'),
  Text(0, 40.55, '40.55'),
  Text(0, 40.6, '40.60'),
  Text(0, 40.65, '40.65'),
  Text(0, 40.7, '40.70'),
  Text(0, 40.75, '40.75'),
  Text(0, 40.8, '40.80'),
  Text(0, 40.85, '40.85'),
  Text(0, 40.9, '40.90'),
  Text(0, 40.95, '40.95')])

Generating centroids for census tracts

In [21]:
clipped2 = clipped
7872 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7873 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7875 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7876 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7877 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 36 047 034000 340 Census Tract 340 G5020 S 129694.0 0.0 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
In [22]:
clipped3 = clipped2.drop(columns=['STATEFP', 'COUNTYFP','TRACTCE','NAME_y','NAMELSAD','MTFCC','FUNCSTAT','ALAND','AWATER'])
GEOID NAME_x estimate_x INTPTLAT INTPTLON geometry
7872 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7873 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7875 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7876 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
7877 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 +40.5723223 -073.9964764 POLYGON ((-74.00142 40.57310, -74.00031 40.572...
In [23]:
# Making a plot showing centroid locations for each census tract
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(50,30))
bdata.plot(ax=ax, color='white', alpha = 0.4, linewidth=3.5, edgecolor='black', zorder = 40)
clipped.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color = 'grey', alpha = 0.2, linewidth=0.2, edgecolor='black',zorder =40)

bdata["rep"] = bdata["geometry"].representative_point()
bdata_points = bdata.copy()

bdata_points.set_geometry("rep", inplace = True)
texts = []

for x, y, label in zip(bdata_points.geometry.x, bdata_points.geometry.y, bdata_points["boro_name"]):
    texts.append(plt.text(x, y, label, fontsize = 25))
clipped["rp"] = clipped.representative_point()
clipped_point = clipped.copy()
clipped_point.set_geometry("rp", inplace = True)

clipped.rp.plot(ax=ax, color = 'maroon')

plt.title('Centroids', fontsize = 40)

plt.xticks(fontsize = 20, rotation=90)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 20)
(array([40.5 , 40.55, 40.6 , 40.65, 40.7 , 40.75, 40.8 , 40.85, 40.9 ,
 [Text(0, 40.5, '40.50'),
  Text(0, 40.55, '40.55'),
  Text(0, 40.6, '40.60'),
  Text(0, 40.65, '40.65'),
  Text(0, 40.7, '40.70'),
  Text(0, 40.75, '40.75'),
  Text(0, 40.8, '40.80'),
  Text(0, 40.85, '40.85'),
  Text(0, 40.9, '40.90'),
  Text(0, 40.95, '40.95')])

Extracting required interpolated data

In [41]:
# Making a plot showing interpolated data and extraction points
xintrp, yintrp = np.meshgrid(grid_lon, grid_lat) 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(50,30))
contour = plt.contour(xintrp, yintrp, z1,len(z1),,alpha = 1) 
boundarygeom = bdata.geometry
bdata.plot(ax=ax, color='white', alpha = 0.4, linewidth=3.5, edgecolor='black', zorder = 40)
clipped.rp.plot(ax=ax, color = 'black')
npts = len(lons)
plt.title('Interpolated map and centroids', fontsize = 40)
plt.xticks(fontsize = 20, rotation=90)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 20)

Comparing the results

In [25]:
clipped3.to_excel(r'Data.xlsx', index = False, header=True)
In [26]:
dataf = pd.read_excel('Dataf.xlsx')
GEOID NAME_x estimate_y estimate_x INTPTLAT INTPTLON geometry rp point
0 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 1172.6 40.572322 -73.996476 POLYGON ((-74.00142099999999 40.573102, -74.00... POINT (-73.99698409676216 40.5725345) (-73.9964764, 40.5723223)
1 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 1279.2 40.572322 -73.996476 POLYGON ((-74.00142099999999 40.573102, -74.00... POINT (-73.99698409676216 40.5725345) (-73.9964764, 40.5723223)
2 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 1385.8 40.572322 -73.996476 POLYGON ((-74.00142099999999 40.573102, -74.00... POINT (-73.99698409676216 40.5725345) (-73.9964764, 40.5723223)
3 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 1492.4 40.572322 -73.996476 POLYGON ((-74.00142099999999 40.573102, -74.00... POINT (-73.99698409676216 40.5725345) (-73.9964764, 40.5723223)
4 36047034000 Census Tract 340, Kings County, New York 1066 1599.0 40.572322 -73.996476 POLYGON ((-74.00142099999999 40.573102, -74.00... POINT (-73.99698409676216 40.5725345) (-73.9964764, 40.5723223)
In [39]:
# Making a scatter plot to show the difference in estimation
plt.scatter(dataf['estimate_x'],dataf['estimate_y'],alpha=0.15, color = 'pink')
plt.title("Actual versus Estimated Ridership plot")
z = np.polyfit(dataf['estimate_x'],dataf['estimate_y'], 1)
p = np.poly1d(z)
plt.xlabel("Actual Trip generation from each census tract (all modes)")
plt.ylabel("Estimates from the Ridership heatmap") 
<function, block=None)>