import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from Adaptive_Choropleth_Mapper import CLC, MLC, Initial_Layers
shapefile = gpd.read_file("shp/US/County_NY_TIMES.shp", dtype={'geoid': str})
attributes = pd.read_csv("attributes/Covid_Rate_Mobility_US_2020_2021_weekly.csv", dtype={'geoid': str} )
The interface will include two choropleth maps, a chart displaying the top or bottom values of your selected variable, such as COVID-19 confirmed rates, within the geographic regions of your map, and multiple linked charts (MLC). The MLC feature allows users to click on any county to explore spatiotemporal patterns of selected variables, such as COVID-19 confirmed or death rates, across multiple time series charts.
Your result visualization would be similar to the image below.</br>
MLC([38, -97], 4)
Configure the parameters to visualize your COVID-19 datasets using the Comparison Line Chart (CLC). The interface will include two choropleth maps, a chart displaying the top or bottom values of your selected variable, such as COVID-19 confirmed rates, within the geographic regions of your map, and the Comparison Line Chart (CLC). The CLC feature allows users to click on any county on the two choropleth maps to compare spatiotemporal patterns of selected variables, such as COVID-19 confirmed or death rates, in a single interactive line chart.
Your result visualization would be similar to the image below.</br>
CLC([38, -97], 4)