import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from Adaptive_Choropleth_Mapper import Adaptive_Choropleth_Mapper_viz, Adaptive_Choropleth_Mapper_log
shapefile_US = gpd.read_file("shp/US/County_NY_TIMES.shp", dtype={'geoid': str})
Covid_Rate_US_2020_2021_weekly = pd.read_csv("attributes/Covid_Rate_US_2020_2021_weekly.csv", dtype={'geoid': str} )
Parameter | Required | Description |
title | ✓ | Enter the title to display at the top of your result visualization. |
Subject | Enter the text to display at the top of your chart. | |
filename_suffix | ✓ | Specify the name of the folder where your result files will be saved. |
inputCSV | ✓ | Specify the attributes from your input data. |
shapefile | ✓ | Provide the shapefile that includes the geometry of your study area. |
periods | ✓ | Enter "All" to visualize all dates from the 'period' column of your input data. To visualize specific periods, provide the desired values from the 'period' column as an array (e.g., [2020, 2021, 2023] ). Ensure these values match the entries in your data. |
variables | ✓ | Enter the names of the columns in your input data to include in the visualization. |
NumOfMaps | ✓ | Specify the number of maps to display in your result visualization. |
SortLayers | Choose between 'compare' or 'temporal' mode: |
- Compare Mode: Compare variables at a specific point in time. | ||
- Temporal Mode: Display spatiotemporal patterns of the same variable across multiple maps. | ||
InitialLayers | Enter the variables to display by default on your maps. | |
Initial_map_center | Enter the longitude and latitude of the center of your study area in decimal degrees. If left blank, the map will automatically center based on your data. | |
Initial_map_zoom_level | Enter a number between 2 and 15 for the zoom level. If left blank, the maps will automatically adjust the zoom level. | |
Map_width | Specify the width of the maps. If left blank, the default is 500px. | |
Map_height | Specify the height of the maps. If left blank, the default is 500px. |
Parameter | Required | Description |
Top10_Chart | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a bar chart representing the top and bottom values within the right map. If False , the chart will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Multiple_Line_Chart | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a Multiple Line Chart. If False , it will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Comparision_Chart | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a Comparision Line Chart. If False , it will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Stacked_Chart | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a Stacked Chart. If False , it will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Correlogram | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a Correlogram. If False , it will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Scatter_Plot | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a Scatter Chart. If False , it will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Parallel_Coordinates_Plot | Enter True or False . Set to True to display a Parallel Coordinates Plot. If False , it will not be displayed. If left blank, False is the default. |
Parameter | Required | Description |
titlesOfMLC | Enter a title for each line chart to be displayed at the top of the chart in the Multiple Line Chart. If left blank, a line chart will be created for each variable in your input attribute file. | |
NumOfMLC | Specify the number of line charts to include in the Multiple Line Chart. If left blank, the number of charts will default to the number of variables entered in the 'Variables' parameter above. | |
InitialVariableMLC | Select the variables to be displayed on the line chart. If left blank, the variables in your input attribute file will be visualized in order. | |
DefaultRegion_MLC | Enter the 'id' from your attribute table to specify the default region displayed in the Multiple Line Chart. If left blank, the first region listed in your attribute table will be used. | |
HighlightMLC | Define the highlighted ranges for the x-axis values (periods) by specifying the start and end periods for the range you emphasize. |
Parameter | Required | Description |
NumOfCLC | Specify the number of line charts to include in the Comparision Line Chart. If left blank, the number of charts will default to the number of variables entered in the 'Variables' parameter above. | |
InitialVariableCLC | Select the variables to be displayed on the line chart. If left blank, the variables in your input attribute file will be visualized in order. | |
DefaultRegion_CLC | Enter the 'id' of two regions to display the temporal patterns of the selected variable in the Comparison Line Chart. If left blank, the first two regions in your attribute table will be used. | |
HighlightCLC | Define the highlighted ranges for the x-axis values (periods) by specifying the start and end periods for the range you emphasize. |
The interface will include two choropleth maps, a chart displaying the top or bottom values of your selected variable, such as COVID-19 confirmed rates, within the geographic regions of your map, and multiple linked charts (MLC). The MLC feature allows users to click on any county to explore spatiotemporal patterns of selected variables, such as COVID-19 confirmed or death rates, across multiple time series charts.
Your result visualization would be similar to the image below.</br>
param_MLC_COVID_US_2020_2021 = {
'title': "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in U.S. Counties",
'Subject': "Temporal Patterns of COVID-19 Risk Factors",
'filename_suffix': "COVID_MLC", # max 30 character
'inputCSV': Covid_Rate_US_2020_2021_weekly,
'shapefile': shapefile_US,
'periods': "All",
'variables': [
'SortLayers': "temporal",
'InitialLayers':["2020-04-06_confirmed_rate" , "2020-07-20_confirmed_rate"],
'Initial_map_center':[38, -97],
'Top10_Chart': True,
'Multiple_Line_Chart': True,
'titlesOfMLC':["1. Confirmed Rate (Confirmed Cases per 10k population)", "2. Death Rate (Deaths per 10k population)", "3. Cumulative Confirmed Rate", "4. Cumulative Death Rate"],
Configure the parameters to visualize your COVID-19 datasets using the Comparison Line Chart (CLC). The interface will include two choropleth maps, a chart displaying the top or bottom values of your selected variable, such as COVID-19 confirmed rates, within the geographic regions of your map, and the Comparison Line Chart (CLC). The CLC feature allows users to click on any county on the two choropleth maps to compare spatiotemporal patterns of selected variables, such as COVID-19 confirmed or death rates, in a single interactive line chart.
Your result visualization would be similar to the image below.</br>
param_CLC_COVID = {
'title': "Comparison of Temporal Patterns of Covid-19 Confirmed Rate between US Counties",
'Subject': "Temporal Patterns of COVID-19 Cases per 10,000 Population in Two Selected Regions",
'filename_suffix': "COVID_CLC",
'inputCSV': Covid_Rate_US_2020_2021_weekly,
'shapefile': shapefile_US,
'periods': "All",
'variables': [
'SortLayers': "temporal",
'InitialLayers':["2020-04-06_confirmed_rate" , "2020-07-20_confirmed_rate"],
'Initial_map_center':[38, -97],
'Top10_Chart': True,
'Comparision_Chart': True,
'DefaultRegion_CLC': ["777777", "12086"]