Project Assignment 3



The 'Mapping the Estimated Poverty Rate of the United States, 2023' project aimed to analyze and visualize the poverty rate across states in the United States in 2023. Utilizing CyberGISX Notebook, this project calculated the 2023 U.S. poverty rate, comparing it to 2022's official poverty rate to discern trends. Additionally, this project identified states exceeding the average poverty rate and pinpointed the top five states with the highest poverty rates.


Poverty serves as a crucial socioeconomic metric, and comprehending how it is dispersed across the nation's landscapes can offer valuable insights into the economic well-being of communities and potential areas for targeted interventions. The U.S. Census Bureau announced the official poverty rate in 2022 was 11.5%, with 37.9 million people in poverty.

Read the data

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
from geopandas import GeoSeries, GeoDataFrame, read_file, gpd
from pandas import Series
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import IPython
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
total_pop = 'project/State.shp'
total_pop = gpd.read_file(total_pop)
0 01 Alabama AL Alabama 5098606 4970917 127689 100.7 2052801 2.42 ... 60.252665 11.124213 32.469333 37.567986 61.135901 26.511792 12.352307 1.898838e+11 3.381161e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9804827.172 3535998.323, -980...
1 02 Alaska AK Alaska 732320 702029 30291 1.3 272068 2.58 ... 62.370139 6.227315 28.664002 42.956445 53.502922 28.488984 18.008095 8.202573e+12 8.103864e+07 MULTIPOLYGON (((-19938359.968 6674706.391, -19...
2 04 Arizona AZ Arizona 7427991 7268090 159901 65.4 2832889 2.57 ... 58.614907 9.868275 24.253297 43.880887 58.995037 29.658466 11.346497 4.340564e+11 2.907243e+06 POLYGON ((-12314791.031 4439600.741, -12309722...

3 rows × 163 columns

In [3]:
poverty_pop = 'project/poverty_us_2023.shp'
poverty_pop = gpd.read_file(poverty_pop)
STATENS GEOID STUSPS NAME ALAND AWATER B17020_001 B17020_002 B17020_003 B17020_004 ... C17002_c_5 C17002_c_6 C17002_c_7 C17002_c_8 C17002_c_9 C17002__16 C17002__17 C17002__18 C17002__19 geometry
0 01779775 01 AL Alabama 1.311755e+11 4.591898e+09 4876863 1677.0 769819 12595.0 ... 0.145042 4.8 0.155419 6.8 0.182787 2.7 0.104325 64.9 0.352986 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9805779.623 3536997.578, -980...
1 01785533 02 AK Alaska 1.478943e+12 2.453784e+11 719086 595.0 75016 2458.0 ... 0.238761 3.9 0.328179 5.3 0.370305 2.1 0.182863 75.1 0.576424 MULTIPOLYGON (((-19938361.670 6674706.152, -19...
2 01779777 04 AZ Arizona 2.943640e+11 8.558716e+08 6926281 1660.0 934911 13056.0 ... 0.147132 4.5 0.138671 6.5 0.152310 2.9 0.094738 68.3 0.277719 POLYGON ((-12138854.213 4438965.000, -12138854...

3 rows × 79 columns

Data preparation

Rename the attributes

In [4]:
total_pop = total_pop.rename(columns={'NAME':'States'})
total_pop = total_pop.rename(columns={'TOTPOP_CY':'Total_pop'})
0 01 Alabama AL Alabama 5098606 4970917 127689 100.7 2052801 2.42 ... 60.252665 11.124213 32.469333 37.567986 61.135901 26.511792 12.352307 1.898838e+11 3.381161e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9804827.172 3535998.323, -980...
1 02 Alaska AK Alaska 732320 702029 30291 1.3 272068 2.58 ... 62.370139 6.227315 28.664002 42.956445 53.502922 28.488984 18.008095 8.202573e+12 8.103864e+07 MULTIPOLYGON (((-19938359.968 6674706.391, -19...
2 04 Arizona AZ Arizona 7427991 7268090 159901 65.4 2832889 2.57 ... 58.614907 9.868275 24.253297 43.880887 58.995037 29.658466 11.346497 4.340564e+11 2.907243e+06 POLYGON ((-12314791.031 4439600.741, -12309722...

3 rows × 163 columns

In [5]:
poverty_pop = poverty_pop.rename(columns={'NAME': 'States'})
poverty_pop = poverty_pop.rename(columns={'B17020_003': 'Poverty_pop'})
STATENS GEOID STUSPS States ALAND AWATER B17020_001 B17020_002 Poverty_pop B17020_004 ... C17002_c_5 C17002_c_6 C17002_c_7 C17002_c_8 C17002_c_9 C17002__16 C17002__17 C17002__18 C17002__19 geometry
0 01779775 01 AL Alabama 1.311755e+11 4.591898e+09 4876863 1677.0 769819 12595.0 ... 0.145042 4.8 0.155419 6.8 0.182787 2.7 0.104325 64.9 0.352986 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9805779.623 3536997.578, -980...
1 01785533 02 AK Alaska 1.478943e+12 2.453784e+11 719086 595.0 75016 2458.0 ... 0.238761 3.9 0.328179 5.3 0.370305 2.1 0.182863 75.1 0.576424 MULTIPOLYGON (((-19938361.670 6674706.152, -19...
2 01779777 04 AZ Arizona 2.943640e+11 8.558716e+08 6926281 1660.0 934911 13056.0 ... 0.147132 4.5 0.138671 6.5 0.152310 2.9 0.094738 68.3 0.277719 POLYGON ((-12138854.213 4438965.000, -12138854...

3 rows × 79 columns

In [6]:
Index(['STATENS', 'GEOID', 'STUSPS', 'States', 'ALAND', 'AWATER', 'B17020_001',
       'B17020_002', 'Poverty_pop', 'B17020_004', 'B17020_005', 'B17020_006',
       'B17020_007', 'B17020_008', 'B17020_009', 'B17020__10', 'B17020__11',
       'B17020__12', 'B17020__13', 'B17020__14', 'B17020__15', 'B17020__16',
       'B17020__17', 'B17020__18', 'B17020_010', 'B17020__19', 'B17020_011',
       'B17020__20', 'B17020_012', 'B17020__21', 'B17020_013', 'B17020__22',
       'B17020_014', 'B17020__23', 'B17020_015', 'B17020__24', 'B17020_016',
       'B17020__25', 'B17020_017', 'B17020__26', 'B17020_cal', 'B17020_c_1',
       'B17020_c_2', 'B17020_c_3', 'B17020_c_4', 'B17020_c_5', 'Shape__Are',
       'Shape__Len', 'B17020_c_6', 'B17020_c_7', 'C17002_002', 'C17002_003',
       'C17002_004', 'C17002_005', 'C17002_006', 'C17002_007', 'C17002_008',
       'C17002_009', 'C17002__10', 'C17002__11', 'C17002__12', 'C17002__13',
       'C17002__14', 'C17002__15', 'C17002_cal', 'C17002_c_1', 'C17002_c_2',
       'C17002_c_3', 'C17002_c_4', 'C17002_c_5', 'C17002_c_6', 'C17002_c_7',
       'C17002_c_8', 'C17002_c_9', 'C17002__16', 'C17002__17', 'C17002__18',
       'C17002__19', 'geometry'],
Index(['ID', 'States', 'ST_ABBREV', 'STATE_NAME', 'Total_pop', 'HHPOP_CY',
       'PERC_RENTE', 'PERC_VACAN', 'Shape__Are', 'Shape__Len', 'geometry'],
      dtype='object', length=163)

Create a bar chart to show poverty population of each state

In [7]:
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a bar chart to show poverty population for each state
plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))'States', y='Poverty_pop', legend=None)
plt.ylabel('Poverty Population')
plt.title('Poverty Population by State, 2023')
plt.xticks(rotation=90)  # Rotate x-axis labels for better visibility
<Figure size 864x576 with 0 Axes>

Join the datasets together

In [8]: =

# Perform an inner join based on the 'States' column
merged_populations = poverty_pop.merge(total_pop, on='States', how='inner')

# Display the first few rows of the merged GeoDataFrame to verify the join
STATENS GEOID STUSPS States ALAND AWATER B17020_001 B17020_002 Poverty_pop B17020_004 ... PERC_WORKA PERC_NOHSD PERC_HSGRA PERC_COLLE PERC_OWNER PERC_RENTE PERC_VACAN Shape__Are_y Shape__Len_y geometry_y
0 01779775 01 AL Alabama 1.311755e+11 4.591898e+09 4876863 1677.0 769819 12595.0 ... 60.252665 11.124213 32.469333 37.567986 61.135901 26.511792 12.352307 1.898838e+11 3.381161e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9804827.172 3535998.323, -980...
1 01785533 02 AK Alaska 1.478943e+12 2.453784e+11 719086 595.0 75016 2458.0 ... 62.370139 6.227315 28.664002 42.956445 53.502922 28.488984 18.008095 8.202573e+12 8.103864e+07 MULTIPOLYGON (((-19938359.968 6674706.391, -19...
2 01779777 04 AZ Arizona 2.943640e+11 8.558716e+08 6926281 1660.0 934911 13056.0 ... 58.614907 9.868275 24.253297 43.880887 58.995037 29.658466 11.346497 4.340564e+11 2.907243e+06 POLYGON ((-12314791.031 4439600.741, -12309722...
3 00068085 05 AR Arkansas 1.346608e+11 3.121950e+09 2923735 1020.0 468113 8062.0 ... 59.279771 10.207925 35.205226 34.904755 57.623065 29.776736 12.600199 2.054028e+11 2.683084e+06 POLYGON ((-10503535.097 4369606.658, -10503414...
4 01779778 06 CA California 4.036718e+11 2.029357e+10 38701352 3861.0 4741175 41071.0 ... 61.878353 14.095767 21.614179 46.340204 52.005259 41.329172 6.665569 6.491796e+11 8.059338e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((-13048031.362 3865261.112, -13...

5 rows × 241 columns

Create a new attibute and calculate poverty rate

In [9]:
# Perform the division and create a new column 'Poverty_Rate'
merged_populations['Poverty_rate'] = round(merged_populations['Poverty_pop'] / merged_populations['Total_pop'] * 100,2)

# Display the first few rows of the GeoDataFrame to verify the new column

merged_populations_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(merged_populations, geometry='geometry_y')
STATENS GEOID STUSPS States ALAND AWATER B17020_001 B17020_002 Poverty_pop B17020_004 ... PERC_NOHSD PERC_HSGRA PERC_COLLE PERC_OWNER PERC_RENTE PERC_VACAN Shape__Are_y Shape__Len_y geometry_y Poverty_rate
0 01779775 01 AL Alabama 1.311755e+11 4.591898e+09 4876863 1677.0 769819 12595.0 ... 11.124213 32.469333 37.567986 61.135901 26.511792 12.352307 1.898838e+11 3.381161e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((-9804827.172 3535998.323, -980... 15.10
1 01785533 02 AK Alaska 1.478943e+12 2.453784e+11 719086 595.0 75016 2458.0 ... 6.227315 28.664002 42.956445 53.502922 28.488984 18.008095 8.202573e+12 8.103864e+07 MULTIPOLYGON (((-19938359.968 6674706.391, -19... 10.24
2 01779777 04 AZ Arizona 2.943640e+11 8.558716e+08 6926281 1660.0 934911 13056.0 ... 9.868275 24.253297 43.880887 58.995037 29.658466 11.346497 4.340564e+11 2.907243e+06 POLYGON ((-12314791.031 4439600.741, -12309722... 12.59
3 00068085 05 AR Arkansas 1.346608e+11 3.121950e+09 2923735 1020.0 468113 8062.0 ... 10.207925 35.205226 34.904755 57.623065 29.776736 12.600199 2.054028e+11 2.683084e+06 POLYGON ((-10503535.097 4369606.658, -10503414... 15.32
4 01779778 06 CA California 4.036718e+11 2.029357e+10 38701352 3861.0 4741175 41071.0 ... 14.095767 21.614179 46.340204 52.005259 41.329172 6.665569 6.491796e+11 8.059338e+06 MULTIPOLYGON (((-13048031.362 3865261.112, -13... 11.89

5 rows × 242 columns

Calculate average poverty rate of US and compare it with the official poverty rate in 2022

In [10]:
# To calculate mean poverty rate of the United States in 2023 and compare it with 2023
mean_2023_poverty_rate = round(merged_populations_gdf['Poverty_rate'].mean(),2)
print("Mean Poverty Rate for the United States:", mean_2023_poverty_rate,"%.")

poverty_rate_2022 = 11.5

# Calculate the change in poverty rate from 2022 to 2023
poverty_rate_change = mean_2023_poverty_rate - poverty_rate_2022

# Compare the change with the given threshold
if poverty_rate_change > 0:
    print(f"The poverty rate increases by {poverty_rate_change:.2f} percentage from 2022 to 2023.")
    print("This is higher than the 2022 poverty rate.")
elif poverty_rate_change < 0:
    print(f"The poverty rate decreases by {-poverty_rate_change:.2f} percentage from 2022 to 2023.")
    print("This is lower than the 2022 poverty rate.")
    print("The poverty rate remains the same from 2022 to 2023.")
Mean Poverty Rate for the United States: 11.86 %.
The poverty rate increases by 0.36 percentage from 2022 to 2023.
This is higher than the 2022 poverty rate.

Mapping and Visualization

Continental US poverty rate

In [14]:
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Remove rows for Alaska (AK) and Hawaii (HI)
continental_us_gdf = merged_populations_gdf[~merged_populations_gdf['STUSPS'].isin(['AK', 'HI'])]

continental_us_gdf = continental_us_gdf.to_crs(epsg=5070)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8))

# Plot the GeoDataFrame using 'Poverty_Rate' column for coloring
continental_us_gdf.plot(column='Poverty_rate', cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='0.8', 
                        legend=True, ax=ax, legend_kwds={'label': "Poverty Rate (%)", 'orientation': "vertical"})

# Annotate states with poverty rate greater than 14%
high_poverty_states = continental_us_gdf[continental_us_gdf['Poverty_rate'] > 11.86]
for x, y, label in zip(high_poverty_states.geometry.centroid.x, high_poverty_states.geometry.centroid.y, high_poverty_states['STUSPS']):
    ax.text(x, y, label, fontsize=10, ha='center', va='center')

# Set a clear title for the map
ax.set_title('Poverty Rate by State, 2023', fontsize=16)

# Display the map

Alaska poverty rate

In [15]:
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Filter rows for Alaska (AK)
alaska_gdf = merged_populations_gdf[merged_populations_gdf['STUSPS'] == 'AK'].copy()  # Use the copy() method

# Round the 'Poverty_rate' column to 2 decimal points
alaska_gdf['Poverty_rate_rounded'] = alaska_gdf['Poverty_rate'].round(2)

# Create a plot for Alaska with Alaska Albers Equal Area Conic projection (EPSG:3338)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8))
alaska_gdf = alaska_gdf.to_crs(epsg=3338)  # Change the projection to Alaska Albers Equal Area Conic

# Plot the GeoDataFrame for Alaska using 'Poverty_rate_rounded' column for labeling
alaska_gdf.plot(column='Poverty_rate_rounded', cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='0.8', 
                legend=False, ax=ax)

# Add labels with rounded poverty rates and percentage sign for each state
for x, y, label in zip(alaska_gdf.geometry.centroid.x, alaska_gdf.geometry.centroid.y, alaska_gdf['Poverty_rate_rounded']):
    ax.text(x, y, f"{label}%", fontsize=10, ha='center', va='center')

# Set a clear title for the map
ax.set_title('Poverty Rate of Alaska, 2023', fontsize=16)

# Display the map without axis

Hawaii poverty rate

In [16]:
# Filter rows for Hawaii (HI)
hawaii_gdf = merged_populations_gdf[merged_populations_gdf['STUSPS'] == 'HI'].copy()  # Use the copy() method

# Round the 'Poverty_rate' column to 2 decimal points
hawaii_gdf['Poverty_rate_rounded'] = hawaii_gdf['Poverty_rate'].round(2)

# Create a plot for Hawaii with Hawaii Albers Equal Area Conic projection (EPSG:102007)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8))
hawaii_gdf = hawaii_gdf.to_crs(epsg=32604)  # Change the projection to Hawaii Albers Equal Area Conic

# Plot the GeoDataFrame for Hawaii using 'Poverty_rate_rounded' column for labeling
hawaii_gdf.plot(column='Poverty_rate_rounded', cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='0.8', 
                legend=False, ax=ax)

# Add labels with rounded poverty rates and percentage sign for Hawaii
for x, y, label in zip(hawaii_gdf.geometry.centroid.x, hawaii_gdf.geometry.centroid.y, hawaii_gdf['Poverty_rate_rounded']):
    ax.text(x, y, f"{label}%", fontsize=10, ha='center', va='center')

# Set a clear title for the map
ax.set_title('Poverty Rate of Hawaii, 2023', fontsize=16)

# Display the map without axis

Top five states with highest poverty rate in the U.S.

In [17]:
# Sort the GeoDataFrame by 'Poverty_rate' column in descending order and select the top 5 states
top_5_states = merged_populations_gdf.sort_values(by='Poverty_rate', ascending=False).head(5)

# Create the choropleth map for the top 5 states with highest poverty rates
continental_us_gdf = continental_us_gdf.to_crs(epsg=5070)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8))

# Plot the top 5 states using 'Poverty_rate' column for coloring
top_5_states.plot(column='Poverty_rate', cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='0.8', 
                  legend=True, ax=ax, legend_kwds={'label': "Poverty Rate (%)", 'orientation': "horizontal"})

# Add labels and rounded poverty rates for the top 5 states
for x, y, label, rate in zip(top_5_states.geometry.centroid.x, top_5_states.geometry.centroid.y, top_5_states['States'], top_5_states['Poverty_rate']):
    ax.text(x, y, f"{label}\nPoverty Rate: {round(rate, 2)}%", fontsize=8, ha='center', va='center')

# Set a clear title for the map
ax.set_title('Top 5 States with Highest Poverty Rate, 2023', fontsize=16)

# Display the map


The estimated average poverty rate in 2023 is 11.86%, increased by 0.36 percentage compared to the official poverty rate of the United States in 2022.

There are 23 states in the United States have a poverty rate higher than the estimated average poverty rate.

Most of the states in the southern part and eastern part of the United States have a poverty rate higher than the estimated average poverty rate.

The top five states with highest poverty rate are New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky and West Virgina. These states might require increased social welfare programs and economic development initiatives from the government to address the rising poverty rates.

In [ ]: